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Voting at age 16

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Children in Wales are going to be allowed to vote. Labour have changed the rules so that 16 year old children can vote in local elections. The SNP did the same in Scotland.


If children can vote they should also be allowed to buy alcohol in the pub, get shot at in the army, have a tattoo, buy a knife, get married without parents permission, etc.


Utterly and obviously opportunistic. 16 year olds are still children. Children should not be voting in elections.

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There may be a bit of a kick back though. Underprivileged white kids on estates may be tempted by the far right. Although those influenced by teachers will vote Labour.


I definitely agree with you about being influenced by teachers.

I have seen this done in college by a tutor teaching politics to mature students. This was in the late eighties. He only taught far left wing politics. We did report him and I can remember one person saying in the class, imaging how he could influence young minds.

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I definitely agree with you about being influenced by teachers.

I have seen this done in college by a tutor teaching politics to mature students. This was in the late eighties. He only taught far left wing politics. We did report him and I can remember one person saying in the class, imaging how he could influence young minds.


Agreed. Still children. They would be old enough to vote, but too young to stand... barmey.

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Utterly and obviously opportunistic. 16 year olds are still children. Children should not be voting in elections.


Old enough that the state won't place them in care if they are kicked out of the family home though.


What we really need is a clear definition of when citizenship begins. We have a very confused mix up between the ages of 16 and 18, and some benefits are not now available until 21.

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Old enough that the state won't place them in care if they are kicked out of the family home though.


What we really need is a clear definition of when citizenship begins. We have a very confused mix up between the ages of 16 and 18, and some benefits are not now available until 21.


The Poll Tax was brought in because Thatcher believed that people were voting in a certain way - for more local services, yet they did not pay the RATES.


So although 16+ use the services, few pay for them.

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Old enough that the state won't place them in care if they are kicked out of the family home though.


What we really need is a clear definition of when citizenship begins. We have a very confused mix up between the ages of 16 and 18, and some benefits are not now available until 21.




"If you’re 16 or 17 and homeless, you’ll usually be provided with accommodation by Children’s Services at your local council. This is because you’ll be considered a ‘child in need’.


Children’s Services will also consider if there’s any way you can return home or go and live with another relative. They can’t force you to go back somewhere you don’t feel safe."


What a ‘child in need’ is


You’re a ‘child in need’ if you’re under 18 and:


you’re living with a violent person

you don’t have money for food

you don’t have anywhere to live

you have problems that affect your health or education (eg you’re disabled)

your home is uninhabitable (eg there’s been a fire or flood)"


It appears there are special dispensations for 16/17 year old children when they are no longer able to live in their family home.

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Utterly and obviously opportunistic. 16 year olds are still children. Children should not be voting in elections.


The SNP are a joke on this. They wanted to raise the age at which you should be allowed to choose to smoke from 16 to I think 18, but yet they want to lower the age at which you can vote to 16.

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16 year olds can't open their own bank account but Labour and the SNP want them to vote.


That’s crazy isn’t it.


A 17 year old is old enough to earn their own living, but they can’t open their own bank account.


The banks need to rectify this.

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If 16 year olds can vote I suggest they also be given the right to-


Drive a car.

Go in pubs and buy alcohol.

Marry without parents consent.

Go in Bet Fred.

Be entitled to make their own choice when to leave school.


I don't think many parents would agree with that list.


The Labour Party is stirring this one up because they know young people are indoctrinated at school into left wing thinking. They are playing a dangerous game. If Labour did get in power and it was a disaster the next batch of 16/17 year olds could swing the election Labours way again because it will be better the next time... and on and on...


They have no experience, are too idealistic and respect their teachers opinions too much to make an informed choice.


It will all end in tears...

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