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Voting at age 16

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If 16 year olds can vote I suggest they also be given the right to-


Drive a car.

Go in pubs and buy alcohol.

Marry without parents consent.

Go in Bet Fred.

Be entitled to make their own choice when to leave school.


I don't think many parents would agree with that list.


The Labour Party is stirring this one up because they know young people are indoctrinated at school into left wing thinking. They are playing a dangerous game. If Labour did get in power and it was a disaster the next batch of 16/17 year olds could swing the election Labours way again because it will be better the next time... and on and on...


They have no experience, are too idealistic and respect their teachers opinions too much to make an informed choice.


It will all end in tears...

They don't have experience and are likely to make an informed choice but I doubt they'd be any worse than a regular voter. Most people vote for the same party every time, lots vote on a single issue and you have people who are too influenced by so called 'news' papers and internet memes.

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In those 2 extra years between 16 & 18, individuals can mature significantly, as many will have left school, gained employment, expanded their social group, took up new intrests, etc & become a little more rounded as individuals. Leave the voting age at 18.


I don't doubt that of the major parties, Labour would probably gain more in votes in England & Wales but they would never again see the light of day in Scotland & many might be surprised at how a 16/17 year old may vote. I'd say a fair proportion of them would vote Green.

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In those 2 extra years between 16 & 18, individuals can mature significantly, as many will have left school, gained employment, expanded their social group, took up new intrests, etc & become a little more rounded as individuals. Leave the voting age at 18.


I don't doubt that of the major parties, Labour would probably gain more in votes in England & Wales but they would never again see the light of day in Scotland & many might be surprised at how a 16/17 year old may vote. I'd say a fair proportion of them would vote Green.


Why can't they drive then? If they are mature they should be able to drink alcohol as well. They'd know when to stop...

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