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Cost of British Passport to Rise.

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By employing their divide and conquer tactics to fool the simpletons into voting for brexit, the Thatcherites are now able to really get on with pricing the poor out of everything that should only be available to the rich and privileged.


Thin end of the wedge.


Hows that?


Price of a passport has continuously risen for years. If the majority of people in the country are simpletons I wonder what it makes your minority ?

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You cant make it up, taking our soverienty back and a franco / dutch firm will be making our nice blue passports :hihi:


i take it you didnt read this part then mel "The Home Office said on Wednesday night that no final decision had been made on where the new passports would be printed. A spokeswoman said: “We are running a fair and open competition to ensure that the new contract delivers a high quality and secure product and offers the best value for money for customers." :roll::roll:
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i take it you didnt read this part then mel "The Home Office said on Wednesday night that no final decision had been made on where the new passports would be printed. A spokeswoman said: “We are running a fair and open competition to ensure that the new contract delivers a high quality and secure product and offers the best value for money for customers." :roll::roll:

What seems to have happened is a British company has been too greedy and are throwing their toys out of the pram because the UK Government are looking else where just like any business would do if they believed they were being fleeced.

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What seems to have happened is a British company has been too greedy and are throwing their toys out of the pram because the UK Government are looking else where just like any business would do if they believed they were being fleeced.

british companies being too expensive and not competetive? never, thats not gonna help us outside the EU now is it?

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Hey Brexiters - you know that nice blue passport you wanted?


Yeah it's gonna be French. So we decided to leave, make it blue, and give the contract, and the jobs, and money from it, to the French.


You feeling proud and in control yet? Yeah thought so.


Giving sovereignty one blue passport at a time to the Frogs. Muppets.


Ironically the EU procurement rules that the public sector have to follow doesn't allow restricting the passport contract to UK companies only.

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british companies being too expensive and not competetive? never, thats not gonna help us outside the EU now is it?

Brexit has nothing to do with British companies over charging the Government for goods and services. Brexit is not some kind of green light for British companies to fleece the UK Government and rob UK taxpayers. Good British companies will survive after Brexit.

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