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Why do people gossip ?

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Women gossip. As a rule, men don't have enough time on their hands to chat about what Mary's daughter's been up to.


Stereotypes generally hold true, but by way of explanation, women are more communal which gives rise to the opportunity to gossip, and they are more cooperative which gives them the incentive to bond as a group.


I expect that the misogynists will be along in a few moments to tell us how women are just as bad as men, and that their brother is a curtain twitcher which proves something or other. :)

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As a rule, men don't have enough time on their hands to chat about what Mary's daughter's been up to.


Stereotypes generally hold true


Sorry couldn't stop laughing when I read both of these.....

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I'm not much of a gossip, to my friends i'm a shoulder and an ear and will offer advise if asked for it.. to other people i dont know, i dont really care! It's their business and none of mine..


My mother is a MASSIVE gossip though, and she used to do my head in when i lived at home so maybe that's why i keep my nose out of peoples business, hate to think i'd be like my mother :hihi: :hihi:

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Women gossip. As a rule, men don't have enough time on their hands to chat about what Mary's daughter's been up to.


Do you sit in silence with your mates in the pub then?


You might call it something different, but 'gossip' is just part of staying in touch with your social circle.

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I go to the pub with real men Cyclone. You might not fit in from what I've heard.


Define real men please :)


---------- Post added 31-01-2018 at 10:55 ----------


Do you sit in silence with your mates in the pub then?


You might call it something different, but 'gossip' is just part of staying in touch with your social circle.


No,, Gossip is when you want the nitty gritty about someone elses misfortune Cyclone..


Chin wag, chat, catch up is what you call staying in touch :)

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