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Why do people gossip ?

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I’ve often wondered why people like to gossip, including myself. Why do we do it, and why do we like to do it ? I’ve come to the conclusion that it makes us feel safe, and gives us a feeling of excitement . What do you think ? Do you gossip now and again ?

It's part of life, just how do you think news circulated around the country before newspapers, telephones, television, it was by word of mouth, so nobody should knock it it helped to make us what we are ------------- well that's what I heard ??

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It's part of life, just how do you think news circulated around the country before newspapers, telephones, television, it was by word of mouth, so nobody should knock it it helped to make us what we are ------------- well that's what I heard ??


Now that’s a good point that gossip was a way of relaying news before newspapers came out. Never thought of that !

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I miss meeting my friends on a weekly basis in Wetherspoons, Sheffield. We never stopped talking for two hours. It’s also good therapy, we would talk about the ups and downs of the week and I use to feel better for sharing my problems as they did, now at the moment it’s once a month because I live in Newcastle. It’s a good job we have the telephone so we can still have a good gossip once a week.

It’s in our nature to gossip. The only thing people had years ago was the town crier to know what was happening in the country, so people had to gossip to spread the news. Pleased we don’t have him now.

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Hmmmm maybe it's just my terminology then..


I associate gossiping as a negative, talking about someone elses business which has nothing to do with you.. Sticking your nose in where it doesnt belong is distasteful..


Bonding with my friends, i call having a catch up but i suppose after what you've put Cyclone i am guilty of gossiping after all :hihi: Ooops

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Yes I think chatting and gossiping are different, but when I do meet my friends I think the two go together.

When you gossip about someone it doesn’t always have to be in a critical way or have I got that wrong?


No i dont believe you have.. From what Cyclone posted the definition of gossip doesnt always mean to be critical..


I always associated it with being that though..

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