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Black Lives Matter protest Churchill theme cafe

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That's not my logic at all. Do you understand my argument?


If a group of Tory voters went into a cafe and starting protesting in a manner and about a subject that she didn't agree with, and they were using her image on their social media accounts etc, then I would absolutely expect her to denounce them yes.


What were they actually wearing? Corbyn t shirts? Badges?

As far as I am aware Jeremy Corbyn is not a political party, if they were wearing Labour party regalia, then I would agree he should denounce them, he is only the leader of the labour party...

Try as you may to join the two, im sorry I am not buying it, and neithet is he..

What would you actually like him to denounce? Apart grom making fools of themselves?

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What were they actually wearing? Corbyn t shirts? Badges?

As far as I am aware Jeremy Corbyn is not a political party, if they were wearing Labour party regalia, then I would agree he should denounce them, he is only the leader of the labour party...

Try as you may to join the two, im sorry I am not buying it, and neithet is he..

What would you actually like him to denounce? Apart grom making fools of themselves?


It's a concept that may be as unfamiliar to you as it is to the Great Jezza - reputation hygiene.

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At least I get the concept of starting a thread with the right title, they were nothing to do with "black lives matter"...but I stand to be corrected.


I'm quite happy to be corrected and have the title corrected if that's the case. Its a simple matter of facts that only an idiot would deny, and I'm not one of those as a rule.


Maybe change it to "Corbyn supporters protest Churchill theme cafe".

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Seems that not even a cup of tea in an air raid shelter is sacred these days. Just have a watch of this video as Black Lives Matter invade a Churchill themed cafe.




Any cafe with a cultural reference to anything better watch out, especially Chinese takeaways celebrating the nation of 45 million deaths.


Are you going to pop down and show your support or is it a case of reverse virtue signalling?

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.. but then, as we all know, you wouldn't have bothered making a thread about it ;)


What was it you said again... ah yes, dog whistle! :hihi:


A dog whistle is an unheard signal so it really wasn't that was it. If I made a mistake it was an honest one and you won't find many posters here saying that. Try it.


I actually prefer the suggestion that BLM should be replaced with Corbyn Supporters. It has much more resonance in Sheffield.

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Nice profile raising operation for Ms Halimo Hussein. The only one of the group to actually get her name mentioned & no doubt she's high profile on every social media outlet going?


What's the betting that by the time of the next General Election, as safe Labour seat will be beckoning?


The irony is probably lost on her that she's Co-President of Equality and Liberation refuses to have Tories linked to her social media profiles, (how could she tell?) & urges a boycott of Israel. No Jaffas for her then!


Think we'll be seeing a lot more of Ms Hussein in the coming years as media lovies fall over themselves to interview her & it'll all be good until she comes up a against a half decent reporter or opposing political heavyweight.


In the meantime, all she's doing is acting like a snowflake in an echo chamber.

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A dog whistle is an unheard signal so it really wasn't that was it.


God, you can almost hear the cogs turning!


If I made a mistake it was an honest one and you won't find many posters here saying that. Try it.


I do and have, but it takes more than your prattle I'm afraid.

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It does raise the question about Labour supporters though.


Are Labour to blame for the quality and actions of their supporters, when they're doing things NOT in Labour's name? These are just misguided fools who happen to be prominent and vocal Labour supporters.


Is it fair to link the two? Or is it Labour's fault for allowing Momentum a free rein in the way they allow supporters to behave?


History is about to repeat itself with Labour with its links to Momentum.







I've very little doubt that Labour will win the next General Election but Labour is about to swing from a centre-left party to a far-left one & once again alienate its core, white working class supporters, while it concentrates on its pet projects & its 'causes', while the usual Labour infighting takes place. It will then it will alienate the rest of the electorate & be unelectable for another 20 years.


It'll be like the going back to the mid 1980's with Militant. Labour will be begging for another Blair type figure to lead them again & they'll be back to where they were 10 years ago by about 2040.


Despite what people might believe, the populous don't vote for extremism in this country, whether it be from the Left or the Right.

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