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Capita profits warning

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I didn't suggest that there was.


Good. I'm a long time customer of Capita so know a little bit about how they operate and I'd agree with the new CEO that they have become too complex and corporate. They used to be a mish mash of individual Capita owned business units from which you picked what you needed but that turned into a single identity corporate behemoth a few years ago. I place business elsewhere as a consequence but I wouldn't want to see the business fail.

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I was working in one of the business units and watched them mismanage it and then close it down, making 40 permies redundant.

Part of their business model is to acquire small innovative businesses, milk them for profit and then run them into the ground.


It's an oft repeated opinion that private business is more efficient than state, but the only argument to drive that is supposedly that competition forces businesses to stay efficient.


---------- Post added 31-01-2018 at 13:47 ----------




By which do you mean you apologise for making up things I hadn't said? Probably not. :roll:

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I was working in one of the business units and watched them mismanage it and then close it down, making 40 permies redundant.

Part of their business model is to acquire small innovative businesses, milk them for profit and then run them into the ground.


I'm familiar with the highlighted part but what I see is a lack of focus and agility combined with noncompetitive costs for the smaller projects needing focus and agility. I wouldn't describe that as straight mismanagement although you might see it like that as an employee - all employees think they can do it better. They are generally excellent at mobilising big project resources in my experience.


It's an oft repeated opinion that private business is more efficient than state, but the only argument to drive that is supposedly that competition forces businesses to stay efficient.

Even without overt competition it's undoubtedly more efficient but moreover it allows a government to be much more agile than they could ever be with a directly employed workforce. The efficiency appears over time but it can be very elusive to track down on a day to day basis. Employees might think it's a mismanaged basketcase, but somehow it still turns in a third of a billion pounds profit in a really bad year.

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Working at, not an employee. I've fortunately never had the dubious pleasure of being employed by Crapita.


I don't know anyone who thinks that working at Capita is a dubious pleasure. On the contrary they are well paid and looked after. I work with professionals, though I accept that you might be in some low grade sector that doesn't have such good conditions.

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