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Is this bbc job advert racist?

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Says the one who is horrified that some non-white people get help with their employment prospects. You couldn't make it up.


It's a bit off topic, but the racial group that is now the most disadvantaged is white working class boys. There is no need for racist discrimination when providing help. So called "positive discrimination" is a deeply regressive approach to underlying societal problems.

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Says the one who is horrified that some non-white people get help with their employment prospects. You couldn't make it up.


I'm horrified that racial selection, which you seem to support, is once again back in favour with the establishment.


Excluding people from applying for paid positions because of the colour of their skin, even for just a single position, is morally wrong. I'm genuinely surprised that people can defend such a racist practice in the 21st century.


The BBC has reintroduced the 'No Blacks, No Irish, No dogs' notices of yesteryear but updated it to exclude a different ethnic group.


You couldn't make it up.

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What are you then?


2 questions.


1. What difference would it make?

2. What has it got to do with you?


---------- Post added 10-02-2018 at 11:58 ----------



Why does it matter to you?


Try to get beyond your petty racial obsession and see the real people beneath the skin colour.



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You use insulting words in defence of racial selection.


I applied for the advertised position.


During the application process I was asked to identify my ethnicity, which I indicated was 'white'.


I then received an email stating: "Unfortunately, we are not able to move forward with your application".


People were excluded from applying from this paid position, including myself, simply because of the colour of their skin. That's a fact.


It states this fact in the job advert - that the position is only open to candidates from a black, Asian, or non-white ethnic minority background.


I understand that racists who support racial selection will be very uncomfortable in recognising and accepting that people are being excluded from applying for paid positions on the basis of skin colour. But it's happening.


Oppose racism. Oppose racial selection.


Clearly the BBC offers traineeships and apprenticeships in all sorts of areas from accounting to multimedia journalism, all the time. From time to time they will seek to redress inherent bias (evident in the figures from ethnic monitoring forms) by recruiting exclusively from specific minority groups (ethnic, ability, gender, faith). in order to allow all the people who wouldn't bother applying because some oxbridge twunt always gets the gig, to actually come out and show what they can do.


If this meets your definition of racism, I suggest you compare and contrast your definition with some others, just to get an idea of how far off the mark I think you are with your accusation.

Edited by Phanerothyme
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Clearly the BBC offers traineeships and apprenticeships in all sorts of areas from accounting to multimedia journalism, all the time. From time to time they will seek to redress inherent bias (evident in the figures from ethnic monitoring forms) by recruiting exclusively from specific minority groups (ethnic, ability, gender, faith). in order to allow all the people who wouldn't bother applying because some oxbridge twunt always gets the gig, to actually come out and show what they can do.


If this meets your definition of racism, I suggest you compare and contrast your definition with some others, just to get an idea of how far off the mark I think you are with your accusation.


You defend racial selection for paid BBC positions, but don't seem to be surprised or shocked about the BBC being inherently biased (racist) towards giving employment to "Oxbridge twunts", to use your parlance.


Why do you not seemed concerned that the BBC seemingly must adopt a racist practice (racial selection) in one area in an attempt to address it's inherent racial bias in another?


Is this quite normal and respectable behaviour to you?

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This is why we have the disastrous Brexit which has taken over the whole of government policy. However well meaning the BBC is (supposedly), a lot of people will be angry and see this as a reinforcement of racist policy in favour of non-whites.


Before the EU vote result, which will result in me losing my previous rights as a proud British AND EU citizen, I knew quite a few people who said they would vote to leave because the country is becoming racist against white people. This kind of segregation by the BBC will prove them right.

Edited by A.B.Yaffle
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