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Is this bbc job advert racist?

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i believe in the selection of certain minorities due to a lack of certain minorities due to a racist and sexist past, yes


So you clumsily and incoherently support racial selection.


An evil, twisted ideology that determines the value of a person based upon a specific criteria of racial hierarchy.


Current BBC recruitment policy determines that people from a white ethnic background are less valuable as recruits than people from a non white ethnic background.


Its extreme. Its unjust. Its deeply racist.


And you support it.

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thats the thing, can the police be trusted if its employees are almost all white? can they be trusted not to be racist?


Can the people who apply for jobs based on their race be equally trusted to not be racist?


When I applied for my last job, I clearly remember not answering a question on my form that was 'are you a racist?'




I would doubt many black or ethnic minority racists would apply to be a police officer, but nonetheless, your post implies that there is a higher percentage of white racists than non-white racists. I would question this I think, as in every society the minority will doubtlessly receive more attention from a small minority of racists in any race, or culture, and history repeatedly shows us this.

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Nazi Germany believed that there were too many Jewish employees and not enough German ancestry ones hence why they enacted policies, very similar to current BBC recruitment policy, to exclude applicants based on race.


Disturbing parallels when those in positions of power have chosen to make selection criteria on skin colour, and not merit.


And so Godwin's Law is once again proven...




"...there is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that, when a Hitler comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever made the comparison loses whatever debate is in progress"


So the junk from the trunk triumphs again.

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The only correct answer is that the correct person for the job should be selected. Trying to do anything with any kind of racial bias continues and encourages racism.


That's the way I see it.


---------- Post added 04-02-2018 at 12:59 ----------


i saw a job advert the other day with a local firm wanting somebody (50/60 years old) surely thats discriminating too?


The government says you are fit to work long past 60.

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And so Godwin's Law is once again proven...




"...there is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that, when a Hitler comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever made the comparison loses whatever debate is in progress"


So the junk from the trunk triumphs again.


So we shouldn't make comparisons to one of the biggest war crimes in recent recorded history because of some made up internet 'law' and anyone who does so should immediately forfeit their right to speak regardless of whether the comparison is valid or not?


Sounds to me that Godwin's is only used by those who lack the intelligence to counter-argue the point being made...

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So we shouldn't make comparisons to one of the biggest war crimes in recent recorded history because of some made up internet 'law' and anyone who does so should immediately forfeit their right to speak regardless of whether the comparison is valid or not?


The point being that ultimately you can invoke the Nazis to dispute just about anything. Depends how far you're prepared to take it. Comparisons that are so tenuous, as this is, are laughable.


Sounds to me that Godwin's is only used by those who lack the intelligence to counter-argue the point being made...


It only really needs a counter-arguement if you believe that the BBC's actions/motivations in this case are comparable to (your quote) "one of the biggest war crimes in recent recorded history".


I don't think there is any comparison. Not least because the ethnicities in question are minorities. It's entirely the opposite to the connotations of Nazi Germany!


More likely, there's a drive to incorporate BAME people in it's workforce and on air to better reflect the demographics of the UK and their audience:-



No conspiracy theory required!


This isn't even about the rights or wrongs of it, it's just another thing to have a go at the BBC for. If this wasn't in place, Car Boot would be accusing ther BBC of being too white, not catering the the BAME community and are thus a bunch of racists.


You just can't please some people.

Edited by Magilla
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