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Is this bbc job advert racist?

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Maybe what's wrong is when the BAME candidate is the best person for the job on merit, but they don't get it?


Are you suggesting that an organisation wanting to use positive descrimination,such as the Beeb, wouldn't already give the job to the BAME candidate if they are the best fit? That doesn't make sense..it seems to me that they're just doing it for "quotas"..IMO anyway.

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Are you suggesting that an organisation wanting to use positive descrimination,such as the Beeb, wouldn't already give the job to the BAME candidate if they are the best fit? That doesn't make sense..it seems to me that they're just doing it for "quotas"..IMO anyway.


No, I'm suggesting that it starts to address the issue.


When candidates don't get interviews in a 'normal' selection process based on their name, there's still someway to go.

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Are you suggesting that an organisation wanting to use positive descrimination,such as the Beeb, wouldn't already give the job to the BAME candidate if they are the best fit?


That doesn't make sense..


It only doesn't make sense if you assume racism doesn't exist.


it seems to me that they're just doing it for "quotas"..IMO anyway.


Exactly this, because they want their workforce and their output to reflect the diversity of the audience.


For whatever reason that wasn't happening via the "do nothing" approach.

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It only doesn't make sense if you assume racism doesn't exist.




Exactly this, because they want their workforce and their output to reflect the diversity of the audience.


For whatever reason, that wasn't happening via the "do nothing" approach.


So they aren't interested in "best for the job" if that happens to not be a BAME candidate?

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So they aren't interested in "best for the job" if that happens to not be a BAME candidate?


Well, the BAME canididate has to get an interview to stand any chance of being the best candidate, there's plenty of evidence showing that isn't always the case.


As before, if this is not the way to go to address these issues, what is?

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Well, the BAME canididate has to get an interview to stand any chance of being the best candidate, there's plenty of evidence showing that isn't always the case.


As before, if this is not the way to go to address these issues, what is?


Don't know,how about no names on application forms? It seems that you're advocating one possible lot of discrimination for another..

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10 years ago I applied for a job by a govt employer. The interview process took 2 years and I was eventually offered a place on a training course along with 9 others.

One of the successful candidates was a male who had only applied 3 months previously and had help and guidance with regards the interviews and candidate assessments which was denied to other candidates. This apparently was Affimative Action!

His constant bragging about the time from application to employment was a source of irritation to other applicants and he was actually quite dense.

It was obvious that he was not absorbing the information being taught as he was failing weekly progress tests and was eventually ‘let go’.

Every other candidate who had gone through the full applicant assessments and interviews without help or input passed the course.

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