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Bike chain grinding

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Ive got a dodgy bike chain problem, when in lowest gear (lowest highest- 8?)... anyway when in what would be gear 8, the chain rubs with the chain on the derauler when the pedals move casuing a sort or unhealthy grinding noise, is that normal or have a I done something to the bike? The problem is hard to explain, but i have a picture...just dont no how to show you

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It may be that you have been riding along in the smallest gear on the front ring and the smallest one on the back, cuasing the gears to wear down.


it is quite hard to know without any other information but it's just an idea.


try putting it in the middle or top ring on the front and the bottom one on the back and see if that makes any difference.

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Not 100% sure whats wrong as your description isnt the best but it maybe to do with chain alignment.


To keep it simple for you it could be caused by you useing the wrong gear ratios, for example if your on your smallest chainring on the front and the smallest sprocket on the rear your chain will be at an angle and your chain could well be catching on your front mech.


Same when on the large front chainring and largest sprocket on the rear, your chain again will be at a angle and again could be catching the front mech.


Try useing different gear ratios as the same gear ratio can be obtained with a strighter chain line by useing different combinations, for example instead of having it on the smallest front chainring and smallest rear sprocket change to the big front chainring if your have only 2 front chainrings or the middle one if you have a triple front chainset and have it on about say the 4th rear sprocket.

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You'll probably have to take it to bike shop but if you're at all machanical try adjusting the chain carrier attached to the rear wheel but first of all observe what happens when you change gear,detect what is making the noise and go slowly. Don't jump to conclusions,be logical,you'll get there with a bit of patience.

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it sometimes happens when the cable stretches a bit,its pretty normal and is your bike telling you its time for some maintainance :rolleyes:;)


ask at a bike shop if they can show you how to sort it,



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