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Callum blade hubbard

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got to take callum to hospital he's really sick

get the paramedics ,or take him there quick

in there hands we have complete trust

the best care available ,this is a must


initial diagnosis of meningitis doesnt sound too good

but we've faith in the doctors like everyone should

24 hours on antibiotics ,he's a different lad

sat up in bed smilimg and talking ,were ever so glad


along comes a doctor ,shes not seen him before

test results / notes she decides to ignore

its an ear infection ,he need an op

after its done the antibiotics can stop


sent home the next day in pain but trying to be strong

how relieved we were the initial diagnosis was wrong

for 2 days laid on sofa crying in pain

what can i do , its driving me insane


next morning callum was not really not well

somethings not right as a parent can tell

called the paramedics,they arrived quick but it seemed so long

the look on there faces i knew something was wrong


in the ambulance blue lights flashing siren loud and shrill

on arrival tests were done , we are told callum's is critically ill

transfering him to sheffield , we can't do anything for him here

is this a nightmare im scared and frightened so full of fear


the surgeons are waiting to operate on his brain

to reduce the swelling ,they've put in a drain

the next time we see him he's in intensive care

the whole of the family can't believe he's there


on a life support in icu for 91 days

his mum will not leave him ,by his bedside she stays

doctor after doctor try everything they know

unfortunately for callum the infection wont go


doctors advice us to turn off his life support

as family the decision is made we are absolutely distraught

callum lasted 30 hours before he took his last breath

tears flowed like a river because of his death


several months later thinking callum's care was not right

we complained to the hospital ,for answers we would fight

they did an investigation and sent us a report

they admitted so many failings just as we thought


we contacted a solicitor to see how legally we stood

she was shocked by the events and said callum's care was not good

she took on our case,they can't get away with this

she left no stone unturned ,nothing did she miss


a letter arrived from NHS solicitors out of the blue

in it they confirmed everything that we knew

they admitted KILLING my beautiful son

our legal battle we'd eventually won


a letter of apology from the hospital we got

and in it a statement that made us say ....what ?

if callums antibiotics hadnt been stopped on the monday

he would gone on to make a full recovery


so the doctor who decided callum was ill because of his ear

took his life in his 14th year

by stopping the antibiotics it cost him his life

she may as well stabbed him with a knife


the CPS ,say she's done nothing to answer for

but we will keep on fighting harder than before

soon there will be an inquest and we pray decisions are made

that finally gets justice for CALLUM BLADE


---------- Post added 06-02-2018 at 09:14 ----------


this poem is in tribute to my son , who died on 08/ 02 /2014


its also based on facts ,

Edited by striker15
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I wanted to respond yesterday but the thread was removed before my post could be added.


Callum's story is heartbreaking.


You have done him and many others a great service by sharing your very moving poem with us.


God bless Callum and keep him happy and safe until you are all re-united, and may he give you the strength to do what you feel is right by him. Xxx

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