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Can you help? Marie Curie Collection at Morrisons Halfway

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On the 8th, 9th & 10th March 2018 Morrison's have kindly given Marie Curie the opportunity to collect as part of the Great Daffodil Appeal.


We are looking for volunteers to help for a couple of hours on the above dates, if you are free please call or text Katie on 07884180517 or reply to this thread.


The dates again are the 8th, 9th & 10th March 2018 at Morrison's Halfway.


We'll provide you with everything you need including a tray of Daffodils, collection tin, hat and tabard and after your collection we'll take everything back from you and you are welcome to join me for a cuppa in the café.


A 2 hour collection can raise up to £100 so your support would be massively appreciated.


Thanks so much and looking forward to hearing from anyone willing to volunteer, Katie

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