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A question for believers, is God a gas?

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On 09/06/2023 at 07:56, ThaBoom said:

Atheism/ Atheists- who believe there is no God, still have to have some explanation as to how something can come from NOTHING.


Maybe we will leave it at that- you might be content in everything coming together by magic and chance..🙄

You are confused, you say magic and chance, no magic needed unlike your version ,but chance has to be. Are you a 6,000 year old earth  or live in the real world.

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On 09/06/2023 at 04:03, leviathan13 said:

Ricky Gervais explains it well...


Most folks are not aware that these TV "presenters" are phony.


They each have a couple of dozen  highly paid professional writers on staff feeding them their lines.


And they still manage to look stupid!  :)


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On 06/06/2023 at 10:43, Anna B said:

I'm not disparaging anything. I have a great deal of respect for science and what it's achieved.

I think you have me down as some sort of religious fundamentalist which I am most certainly not. 


All I'm saying is that we just don't know it all. And to think that we do is a bit arrogant. There's no way of proving or disproving God, higher power, or whatever you want to call it, so plenty of room for an agnostic point of view which should also be respected. 

I think you're worse than a religious fundamentalist, and you don't appear to be saying that we just don't know - you appear to be saying that it's justified to believe that "something" spiritual actually exists.


That's a very different claim.

On 09/06/2023 at 07:56, ThaBoom said:

Atheism/ Atheists- who believe there is no God, still have to have some explanation as to how something can come from NOTHING.


Maybe we will leave it at that- you might be content in everything coming together by magic and chance..🙄

No, they don't need any such explanation - even if that's what atheists believe - which it isn't.


What did God create the universe from, in your view?

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Guest ThaBoom
39 minutes ago, GhostRiders said:

I think you're worse than a religious fundamentalist, and you don't appear to be saying that we just don't know - you appear to be saying that it's justified to believe that "something" spiritual actually exists.


That's a very different claim.

No, they don't need any such explanation - even if that's what atheists believe - which it isn't.


What did God create the universe from, in your view?

Er, yes you/ they do.


No one believes something can come into existence/ being out of NOTHING.  By nothing I mean zero, zilch, no mass, atoms, neutrons, matter etc


If you walked into your garden and it was beautifully landscaped, flowing fountain, everything arranged to perfection- you won't accept this happened by itself- especially if you last saw it it was a mess and chaotic. 


As for the 2nd point, believers in God believe God is the 'something'. The Universe began to exist-


1. Whatever begins to exist, has a cause.

2. The Universe began to exist

3. Therefore the Universe has a cause.


Note, I'm not saying "Whatever begins has a cause- but whatever begins to exist has/ needs a cause.


Theists accept and believe God has no beginning, . Something has to exist as the first cause. You cannot have a infinite regress of finite causes.


So God created the universe out of nothing- because He can.


I know these type of threads drag on plus there's a dozen like these floating in here- so excuse me if I don't return to this- as I really believe these types of debate cannot be had on a forum! I've seen it myself 1-1. You put an atheist in a room with a theist- and throw those questions you ask, or the theist asks you explain 'how Something can come from nothing ' then I've seen atheists fall apart.

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On 16/07/2023 at 10:07, ThaBoom said:

No one believes something can come into existence/ being out of NOTHING.  By nothing I mean zero, zilch, no mass, atoms, neutrons, matter etc

Quantum physicists don't just believe something can come from nothing, they can do experiments that prove it.


To say God is eternal is meaningless, you can't use a made up description of a made up entity to justify ANYTHING. Although sadly we've had 1000s of years of people exploiting other people using the idea.


The idea of God died a couple of hundred years ago, there are just a few stragglers clinging on.

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Guest ThaBoom
6 hours ago, Palomar said:

Quantum physicists don't just believe something can come from nothing, they can do experiments that prove it.


To say God is eternal is meaningless, you can't use a made up description of a made up entity to justify ANYTHING. Although sadly we've had 1000s of years of people exploiting other people using the idea.


The idea of God died a couple of hundred years ago, there are just a few stragglers clinging on.



Give us one example please- and don't use Lawrence Kraus's  "universe from nothing " because that was an epic fail.


His "nothing" was in fact something. 

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18 hours ago, Palomar said:

Quantum physicists don't just believe something can come from nothing, they can do experiments that prove it.

And yet.....


They have all the chemicals present on Earth that ever existed, and a few more.


They can simulate every condition possible, but despite their best efforts, they cannot produce life in a laboratory.


Something else must be going on!


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