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The first Britons were black

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yup, sorry to break it to you patriots and racists, according to a new DNA study the first Britons were black.




Dr Yoan Dieckmann, from University College London, who took part in the project, said: “The historical perspective that you get just tells you that things change, things are in flux, and what may seem as a cemented truth that people who feel British should have white skin, through time is not at all something that is an immutable truth.


“It has always changed and will change.”


But the roughly 12,000 humans in Britain at the time of Cheddar Man thrived and their DNA now comprises roughly 10 per cent of the genetic make-up of most white people currently living in the UK.


The results will be revealed the First Brit: Secrets of the 10,000 Year Old Man airs on Channel 4 on Sunday February 18.



“The combination of quite dark skin and blue eyes is something that we don’t imagine is typical, but that was the real appearance of these people, something that’s quite rare today,” said Professor Chris Stringer, research leader in human origins at the Natural History Museum.

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yup, sorry to break it to you patriots and racists, according to a new DNA study the first Britons were black.




Point of order #1.

The DNA of the earliest so far recorded person in the British Isles had dark skin. That is not "the first Britons". At best it is one person in Britain had dark skin.


Point of order #2.

Why are you promoting racial unrest on SF? Wouldn't it be better to frame it as a point of scientific interest instead of the latest battle in a pretend race war?

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it does state they were people here earlier, but they died out, this is the one that started...our genes.

It also says it has checked DNA with other sources to check that it is correct,.


Mel, that statement is so basically scientifically and anthropologically illiterate it beggars belief that you even clicked the submit button. :hihi:

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When these 'findings' come out i always have a chuckle..


We know so little, we think we know but we dont.. New 'evidence' is being discovered all the time..


Next week, scientists will tell us we are all decendants of a fir tree..


That isn’t quite as crazy as it seems. Plants and animals have a common ancestor, every living thing on earth does.

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