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The first Britons were black

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It's great news, now I hope ALL British people can apply for that BAME BBC job :hihi:


I'm afraid not, the OP and the BBC only see people in terms of the colour of their skin. Hence the reason behind this thread.


Cheddar Man, who lived about 10,000 years ago, has a Middle Eastern origin, suggesting that his ancestors left Africa, moved into the Middle East and later headed west into Europe.


Current Scientific belief is that populations living in Europe became lighter-skinned over time because pale skin absorbs more sunlight, which is required to produce vitamin D.


So darker skin evolved into lighter skin, possibly when farming replaced hunter gathering, which meant less vitamin D in the diet.

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I'm afraid not, the OP and the BBC only see people in terms of the colour of their skin. Hence the reason behind this thread.


Cheddar Man, who lived about 10,000 years ago, has a Middle Eastern origin, suggesting that his ancestors left Africa, moved into the Middle East and later headed west into Europe.


Current Scientific belief is that populations living in Europe became lighter-skinned over time because pale skin absorbs more sunlight, which is required to produce vitamin D.


So darker skin evolved into lighter skin, possibly when farming replaced hunter gathering, which meant less vitamin D in the diet.


DON'T you come on here, posting your fancy knowledgable skills :hihi:


Blue eyes also originated from the east, well Turkey to be precise, about 10,000 years ago so this gives credit to the chap being from that area.

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I don't come on here much but meltthebell you seem to have a bad agenda against anybody that doesn't see life in the same light as yourself.


Strange poster.


Interesting article - sadly I don't think we'll ever truly know who were the original people to walk the planet many thousands and thousands of years ago.


He's just having a laugh at the expense of racists who are no doubt rather uncomfortable about this news. Nothing wrong with that.

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