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James Bulger's Dad Wants Killers' New Identity Taken Away

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The law is such an ass in this country, it is protecting HIM from the public by giving him a new identity. Its a joke . Luckily the pictures of what he looks like now are out there all over the internet ,so the piece of filth cannot hide no more .


Robert Thompson appears to have learnt his lesson though and isn't reoffending.


Now if you look in a mirror you can see the reason why he need protecting from the public. What would you do if you met the guy who looks like Venables? It's a fake photo - there is someone currently whose going to be lynched for the crime of having his picture put on FB and people saying he is Venables.


Vigilantism isn't a good idea.

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Robert Thompson appears to have learnt his lesson though and isn't reoffending.


Now if you look in a mirror you can see the reason why he need protecting from the public. What would you do if you met the guy who looks like Venables? It's a fake photo - there is someone currently whose going to be lynched for the crime of having his picture put on FB and people saying he is Venables.


Vigilantism isn't a good idea.


The case has shown that rehabilitation works only in some instances.


I agree with you Obelix, I'm very strongly against images of Venables and Thompson being publicised on social media. It is far too easy for innocent people to be mistaken, yet again:


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Ralfh Bulger is calling for Jon Venables new identity to be taken away before he claims more victims.



Can you imagine the chaos in our penal system if the family of those wronged set the length of the jail term?


---------- Post added 08-02-2018 at 13:09 ----------


Jon Venables Should be kept in prison for a very long time. How people decide

that violent murderers and rapists should be given a second chance is beyond me.


Dutch prisons are closing because the country is so safe. I would bet £1 they have a very different system to the UK.



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The case for not releasing his identity has been well made above, I've nothing to add but I'd just like to leave this here for those who seek violent vengeance.


I don’t really understand myself these days. I am supposed to be an average reasonable and intelligent young man. However, lately (I can’t recall when it started) I have been a victim of many unusual and irrational thoughts.

It's part of Charles Whitman's suicide note.


The day after writing it he killed 13 people including his mother, his wife, a pregnant woman, an ambulance driver and wounded 32 more before being shot dead by police.


His post mortem found a brain tumor that most likely caused his actions.

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Robert Thompson appears to have learnt his lesson though and isn't reoffending.


That kinda makes the point though.


Two boys, same age, same crime, same initial prison sentence.

One appears to be rehabilitated, has not re-offended.


The other one clearly has something very dangerously wrong with them, there is a strong case for keeping him confined indefinitely.

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That kinda makes the point though.


Two boys, same age, same crime, same initial prison sentence.

One appears to be rehabilitated, has not re-offended.


The other one clearly has something very dangerously wrong with them, there is a strong case for keeping him confined indefinitely.


The thing is, he would have KNOWN he would be under enormous scrutiny, and yet he keeps on reoffending. He just can't help himself and needs to be kept where he can't harm anyone else.


Thinking about it, it's as if he wants to be put back in prison.

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Up to date pictures of how Venables looks today are already all over Facebook , ive seen them myself tonight.


Personally im glad these photos of Venables are all over the internet. The more people who know what he looks like now , the better , because for some bizarre reason he will be released from prison at some point.


Hiya Penny, you alright flower :wave:


You reading the S*n now ? Nice !


How long before you’re old enough to read a grown-up newspaper ?


Anyway, do you think it’s big and clever for some simple-minded idiots to go around assaulting people based on some facebook posts ?


After all, the S*n and the News of the screws have previous for wrongly accusing paediatricians of being peadophiles, don’t they.

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