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James Bulger's Dad Wants Killers' New Identity Taken Away

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Ralfh Bulger is calling for Jon Venables new identity to be taken away before he claims more victims.


Venables was today sent back to prison for over three years for having having over 1000 indecent images of children .


Up to date pictures of how Venables looks today are already all over Facebook , ive seen them myself tonight.


Personally im glad these photos of Venables are all over the internet. The more people who know what he looks like now , the better , because for some bizarre reason he will be released from prison at some point.




Yes, because facebook is full of credible posts.


The fact is there is some poor bloke out there now who has been wrongly outed as this vile person, by people incapable of engaging their brain. Imagine if you were being accused of being that person. How would you feel?


I am all for naming vile people who have committed the most heinous crimes, in a world where there is no danger of lynching and such, but unfortunately we don't. Naming these people would amount to a death sentence.


I say with this particular monster, put him behind bars and throw away the key.

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There's nothing to say those pictures are anything to do with Venables, plus anyone posting them is in breach of a court order.


They cant prosecute EVERYONE who posts them and shares them . Those photos will have been shared millions of times in the last day or so. The court order isnt worth the paper its written on.

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They cant prosecute EVERYONE who posts them and shares them . Those photos will have been shared millions of times in the last day or so. The court order isnt worth the paper its written on.


But are the photos that are been shared on FB actually him. Last thing we need is a case of mistaken identity and someone getting seriously hurt because a lynch mob sees someone that looks similar to the person in the FB posts.

Edited by dvp82
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They cant prosecute EVERYONE who posts them and shares them . Those photos will have been shared millions of times in the last day or so. The court order isnt worth the paper its written on.


Maybe not but if someone were to complain about you doing so then I would imagine you would be taking a trip to local station with the police. Whether you get charged or sentence is another thing.

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My view is that it was right to protect the anonymity of this pair when they were released from prison initially having served their sentence for a (heinous) crime they committed when still children themselves.

However, having re-offended as an adult I think that Venables at least has lost that right.

Ultimately there is no release system that will monitor him 24/7. No assessment process can judge what he might do at any given point. It would only take a few minutes for him to commit a similar offence.

Surely protection of the public should be the primary concern.

If he, or similar offenders were living in your street, then wouldn’t the safest thing for the public to know that so they could keep their children away from him?

Why are his rights being put above our children and his potential victims? The law’s an ass.

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They cant prosecute EVERYONE who posts them and shares them . Those photos will have been shared millions of times in the last day or so. The court order isnt worth the paper its written on.

well tell us how YOU get on, have a good day ;)

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My view is that it was right to protect the anonymity of this pair when they were released from prison initially having served their sentence for a (heinous) crime they committed when still children themselves.

However, having re-offended as an adult I think that Venables at least has lost that right.

Ultimately there is no release system that will monitor him 24/7. No assessment process can judge what he might do at any given point. It would only take a few minutes for him to commit a similar offence.

Surely protection of the public should be the primary concern.

If he, or similar offenders were living in your street, then wouldn’t the safest thing for the public to know that so they could keep their children away from him?

Why are his rights being put above our children and his potential victims? The law’s an ass.


Totally agree. He was 10 years old at the time of the Bulger murder back in 1993, so he's now in his mid 30's, fully responsible for his own actions. As far as I'm concerned he gave up any right to anonymity back in 2010 when he was gaoled for a number of years for similar offences to the ones he's now accused of again.

Edited by Baron99
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well tell us how YOU get on, have a good day ;)


I havnt shared them Mel . I dont use facebook , the missus showed them to me. The point is , within an hour of those photos being posted online, millions of people will have them . There is nowt the authorities cant do to stop it.


Its like when one of the tabloids (think it was the sun ) posted pictures of how Karen Mathews looks now on their front page last year. Were they prosecuted ? NO


These photos are all over facebook and Google . They are out there now, same as Karen Mathews new look is . Nothing can be done about it .


---------- Post added 09-02-2018 at 19:16 ----------


Totally agree. He was 10 years old at the time of the Bulger murder back in 1993, so he's now in his mid 30's, fully responsible for his own actions. As far as I'm concerned he gave up any right to anonymity back in 2010 when he was gaoled for a number of years for similar offences to the ones he's now accused of again.


This is the second time he has been sent back to prison for child images on his computer . He will never learn . Yet he will be out again in three years at most.


We need to adopt the American system of three strikes and out.

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