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Should we only trust drunk people?

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Just came across the following quote...


“Son, never trust a man who doesn’t drink because he’s probably a self-righteous sort, a man who thinks he knows right from wrong all the time. Some of them are good men, but in the name of goodness, they cause most of the suffering in the world. They’re the judges, the meddlers. And, son, never trust a man who drinks but refuses to get drunk. They’re usually afraid of something deep down inside, either that they’re a coward or a fool or mean and violent. You can’t trust a man who’s afraid of himself. But sometimes, son, you can trust a man who occasionally kneels before a toilet. The chances are that he is learning something about humility and his natural human foolishness, about how to survive himself. It’s damned hard for a man to take himself too seriously when he’s heaving his guts into a dirty toilet bowl.”
― James Crumley


Well, you should definitely not trust anything I say, but; did you agree? Are people who don't drink not worthy of trust?

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I had my share of kneeling before a toilet, that's the one reason that I don't drink but I am no self-righteous in any way.

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I had my share of kneeling before before a toilet, that's the one reason that I don't drink but I am no self-righteous in any way.


Oh me too. Certainly had my moments emptying the contents of my stomach down a toilet. These days, I love not throwing up. I don't drink and I like being sober and clear headed. Of course, that makes socialising tricky, but like you, I don't feel at all self righteous. Or maybe I do, but just don't see it?..

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Does the quote extend to other drugs or is it just booze?


Don't trust a man who's never taken crack?

Don't trust a man who's never taken ecstasy?

Don't trust a man who's never never got stoned?

Don't trust a man who's never drank coffee? (and if they have, did they add sugar?)

Don't trust a man who's never rode a horse?

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I wonder if the quote is referring to the idea of letting oneself go; you could argue that someone who never drinks is afraid of life, or of relinquishing control.


For me, I'm rubbish at being drunk, it just makes me feel fuzzy headed, and fall over a lot. What's the point in that? :o

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