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UKIP could go bankrupt

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I don't understand why the OP thinks the Labour Party is out to bankrupt UKIP.


It's a simple matter that UKIP promised to support Collins and have reneged on that promise. It just happens that it was Labour MPs who were defamed so, again, why is the OP of the opinion that it's the Labour Party who are pursuing the debt?

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We've established that it was a poor decision by UKIP.


Now move your brain on half a millimetre to the words in the OP and think how it looks for a political party to bankrupt their main political competitor for core votes.


Don't think how how it looks to you, understand how it might look to people who vote UKIP.

Millions of them.

Millions of former Labour voters.

Millions of Labour voters who are looking for somewhere to express their dissatisfaction with Labour.


Conversely, think about the message that would be given out if the courts or the Labour Party said it was OK to libel people as long as you had no money to pay costs

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I don't understand why the OP thinks the Labour Party is out to bankrupt UKIP.


It's a simple matter that UKIP promised to support Collins and have reneged on that promise. It just happens that it was Labour MPs who were defamed so, again, why is the OP of the opinion that it's the Labour Party who are pursuing the debt?


Again, we've established all that and the OP doesn't think that. If this puts UKIP out of business it will be Labour that looks bad to UKIP voters, who generally also happen to historically be core Labour voters.


Go back, read again the OP you claim to have read, then read the post immediately before yours, then come back and tell us how it looks once you've got your head out of your Labour Party bubble. It's not an especially complex thing to discuss once you put vested interests aside.

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Again, we've established all that and the OP doesn't think that. If this puts UKIP out of business it will be Labour that looks bad to UKIP voters, who generally also happen to historically be core Labour voters.


Go back, read again the OP you claim to have read, then read the post immediately before yours, then come back and tell us how it looks once you've got your head out of your Labour Party bubble. It's not an especially complex thing to discuss once you put vested interests aside.


It's a long way down from that high horse, you know :)


I think you need to get your thinking head on. From the article, it appears that Collins/UKIP are being asked to pay Labour's legal fees and the compensation originally awarded by the court. Collins failed to follow an order from the court, and so further legal costs were incurred - it's not clear by whom, but presumably on both sides.


If the Labour MPs let her off, the following consequences occur:


The Labour Party makes itself hundreds of thousands of pounds worse off as a result of its own MPs being libelled


Collins is free to repeat the libel, provided UKIP agree to cover her legal fees, since it would be the same situation all over again


Any other UKIP member is free to libel any Labour MP for the same reason


The Labour Party says 'it's ok to ignore a court order to pay damages'


The Labour Party says 'its ok to libel someone, provided you don't have the money to pay any damages'

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It's a long way down from that high horse, you know :)


I think you need to get your thinking head on.'


I'm well aware of the financial responsibilities but that's not my point is it? I don't have a simple solution. I'd have suggested one if I did. All the "it's UKIP's fault" yada yada is a bit so-what if it undermines democracy in the way it could well do.


It seems that I've been thinking about it a bit harder than most people. :) Does anyone have anything to say about the wider effects or are we just going to go in ever decreasing circles about who should pay a bill?

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Again, we've established all that and the OP doesn't think that. If this puts UKIP out of business it will be Labour that looks bad to UKIP voters, who generally also happen to historically be core Labour voters.


Go back, read again the OP you claim to have read, then read the post immediately before yours, then come back and tell us how it looks once you've got your head out of your Labour Party bubble. It's not an especially complex thing to discuss once you put vested interests aside.

talking out of your arse again, its NOT labour, that are out to get them, its 3 private individuals that happen to be labour mps, at the end of the day they took offence at being lied about so took action, if UKIP had not lied they wouldve won the case surely? If UKIP had not stupidly (and probably proudly) promised to pay the costs they wouldnt be in the position they are now in.




carry on


talking in the 3rd person about yourself :hihi:


---------- Post added 08-02-2018 at 13:35 ----------


I don't have a simple solution.

i do, THINK about what you say before you say it, if it can land you in trouble THINK about if you really want to say it.


freedom of speech has NEVER existed, its not something new thats suddenly been taken away like some will have us think :roll:

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I'm well aware of the financial responsibilities but that's not my point is it? I don't have a simple solution. I'd have suggested one if I did. All the "it's UKIP's fault" yada yada is a bit so-what if it undermines democracy in the way it could well do.


It seems that I've been thinking about it a bit harder than most people. :) Does anyone have anything to say about the wider effects or are we just going to go in ever decreasing circles about who should pay a bill?


You don't have any solutions other than the one that carries the consequences that I laid out. Maybe you haven't been thinking about it as hard as you thought - perhaps you got tired and thought it must have been down to thinking a lot ;)


Let's not abandon personal responsibility, eh? Collins libelled people in the public eye, like an idiot. Any sensible party would have disowned her immediately, said 'nowt to do with us, guv'. But UKIP aren't sensible, they are a set of lunatic Gammons who speak before they think, so not only did they not disown her, they agreed to pay her legal costs too!! Arseholes! Idiots! It doesn't undermine democracy if they disappear because of this, it just means they are too stupid to participate in it. They can let someone else have a go.

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I'm well aware of the financial responsibilities but that's not my point is it? I don't have a simple solution. I'd have suggested one if I did.


I’ve a simple solution!


Why doesn’t that kipper hag make another appeal, this time to the European Court of Human Rights- . . .


oh, I see, never mind :hihi:

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I’ve a simple solution!


Why doesn’t that kipper hag make another appeal, this time to the European Court of Human Rights- . . .


oh, I see, never mind :hihi:

well shes already a hypocrite with her hand in the till being an MEP :P


the actual ops link also states


Responding to a request for comment on next week’s court case, Sir Kevin told i: “Ms Collins could have admitted her mistake, withdrawn her remarks and apologised to us. “Instead, she tried every trick in the book, including the absurd irony of trying, and failing, to seek immunity by hiding behind the EU institutions she is so keen for us to leave behind. It is these moves that have caused the huge delay and further cost.”
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You don't have any solutions other than the one that carries the consequences that I laid out. Maybe you haven't been thinking about it as hard as you thought - perhaps you got tired and thought it must have been down to thinking a lot ;)


Let's not abandon personal responsibility, eh? Collins libelled people in the public eye, like an idiot. Any sensible party would have disowned her immediately, said 'nowt to do with us, guv'. But UKIP aren't sensible, they are a set of lunatic Gammons who speak before they think, so not only did they not disown her, they agreed to pay her legal costs too!! Arseholes! Idiots! It doesn't undermine democracy if they disappear because of this, it just means they are too stupid to participate in it. They can let someone else have a go.


Indeed. Form a new party. Indpendence for the UK party. Actually Ive spent 10 mins trying to think of a name that I can attach an amusing acronym to but Im all out Im afraid.


When the tory party splits intself in two they could vote for the nuttier half. Thats on its way!

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