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George Soros wants to reverse Brexit

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You may not be interested in how American billionaires work to influence politics in other countries. Other people obviously are.


oh I do, the Grauniad have been publishing articles about it ever since Brexit :)


I mentioned it in the second post. You did read it all, didn’t you . . . ?


No? You only read the part you quoted? Ok, never mind

Edited by The Joker
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A nation of minimum wage earning slaves on zero hour contracts is what we have now, after 45 years of EU membership.


George Soros is an enemy of the British working class. The 87-year-old Hungarian-born financier is one of the world's richest men and made £1.5 billion betting against sterling on Black Wednesday in 1992.


This just reinforces, once again, that Brexit is for the British people.


The EU is for the global elite.


The EU don't have anything to do with wages,minimum or otherwise,or contracts,zero or otherwise,in any country.

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I don't really understand people that get a kick out of thinking reversing the decision is a wise one.


The public voted. The public chose.


If that gets reversed, we are all pointless... We have no say in anything.


Not something to boast about.

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The public were lied to. The politicians made promises they knew were false.


That's politics though? Hence why I don't care for it.


The majority of what's said in the lead up to an election (/vote) is bull****. Everytime.


Punish the people that lied.

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What is wrong with these people who can’t accept democracy. I suppose they will say we did not know what we were voting for.

Didn’t politicians hold debates before we had the vote on the EU. We had doom and gloom from the leave campaign if we voted to leave, and people still voted leave.


If you voted "Leave" did you know what you were voting for..will you get it?

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If you voted "Leave" did you know what you were voting for..will you get it?


I voted to Leave the EU.


I knew what I was voting for, which was to leave the EU and for the UK to become an independent, self-governing nation once again.


I didn't vote on any supposed deal we might get when we leave. I didn't vote on being wealthier in 25 years time. I didn't vote on more money for the NHS.


I voted to get the hell out of the EU monster club!


Will I get what I voted for? Probably not. The wealthy establishment careerists greatly desire remaining in the EU, which enormously benefits the rich elite but impoverishes the ordinary working class.

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I voted to Leave the EU.


I knew what I was voting for, which was to leave the EU and for the UK to become an independent, self-governing nation once again.


I didn't vote on any supposed deal we might get when we leave. I didn't vote on being wealthier in 25 years time. I didn't vote on more money for the NHS.


I voted to get the hell out of the EU monster club!


Will I get what I voted for? Probably not. The wealthy establishment careerists greatly desire remaining in the EU, which enormously benefits the rich elite but impoverishes the ordinary working class.


Genuine question...what part of getting out of the EU will benefit the "ordinary working class"?

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