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What are the places to avoid?

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.. Handsworth like everywhere has good and bad (i found most very clicky, not liking new comers, hard to fit in) .. There are bad things happening everywhere ..

Different people will tell you different things about areas based on their opinions/experiences ..


.. On Monday evening at approx' 19:30 twenty hooded youths ran past me, in Handsworth, in pursuit of another child .. These lads were not from the estate, their ages ranging from 9 and 16 years old. Judging from the shouts and taunts they were chasing someone of a 'different' ethnic background and looked intent on doing them serious harm. I called the 101 number.


Last year a bus driver on the 52 route was hit by a brick driving in Handsworth, and I regularly witness criminal damage, drug taking and aggressive banter towards strangers on the Triangle Estate outside the shops.


The above could happen anywhere in Sheffield, no, this could happen anywhere in the country.. and does .., often.


In description, I like to use the word Marx used to refer to the 'refuse of all classes,' .. the dregs of society - 'lumpenproletariat' - the class of people who were unproductive and regressive. That is how I see many of todays youth, and their parents aren't much better.


So, live where you like, just ensure you can hold your own when visiting the shops after dark.

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