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Women are weaker than men

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Trolls can lift even more coal...............


I don't think that trying to stimulate a grown up discussion among grownups is trolling. Did you just come here to troll or do you have anything useful to contribute to the discussion? Let's test you. :)


Childbirth; From various things I've picked up over the years (right or wrong) I have reasonable doubts that childbirth is more painful. Apparently women 'feel' pain more than men which might make it relatively very painful to other things that they experience but in strict brainwave terms maybe not so much. That might be taken as an indicator that men need to feel pain more acutely because of the evolutionary roles that they undertake and their need for physical senses to be more acute than women's.


General physiological strength; Women live an average of 4 years longer than men. The more prosperous the nation, the longer women live, indicating that lifestyle isn't contributory to underlying lifetime health.

Edited by ENG601PM
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Which is worth more?


Feeding the young, or taking waste away?


Can men be dinner ladies (sic), or women be binmen (sic)?


There was definitely a woman on Sheffield's bins years ago when the council was responsible for the refuse. Remember her distinctly, long blonde hair, drove one of the wagons. No small feat having to negotiate one of those around the narrow streets.

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It's stating the obvious but is it true?


As others have said there are different types of strength. If you're referring to raw physical strength, well so what if some men can lift a few more lumps of coal? Big wow....We have machines nowadays to lift, pull and push things.

Is it really that important to you who is stronger? If it is, I suggest that you get in the ring with Nicola Adams & we'll see who's the strongest.

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I don't think that trying to stimulate a grown up discussion among grownups is trolling. Did you just come here to troll or do you have anything useful to contribute to the discussion? Let's test you. :)


Childbirth; From various things I've picked up over the years (right or wrong) I have reasonable doubts that childbirth is more painful. Apparently women 'feel' pain more than men which might make it relatively very painful to other things that they experience but in strict brainwave terms maybe not so much. That might be taken as an indicator that men need to feel pain more acutely because of the evolutionary roles that they undertake and their need for physical senses to be more acute than women's.


General physiological strength; Women live an average of 4 years longer than men. The more prosperous the nation, the longer women live, indicating that lifestyle isn't contributory to underlying lifetime health.


Did you have all this stuff stored up, straining to get out like a dog wanting walkies, until you discovered Sheffield Forum? Or have you been jabbering away since the minute you were born?

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I don't think that trying to stimulate a grown up discussion among grownups is trolling. Did you just come here to troll or do you have anything useful to contribute to the discussion? Let's test you. :)


Childbirth; From various things I've picked up over the years (right or wrong) I have reasonable doubts that childbirth is more painful. Apparently women 'feel' pain more than men which might make it relatively very painful to other things that they experience but in strict brainwave terms maybe not so much. That might be taken as an indicator that men need to feel pain more acutely because of the evolutionary roles that they undertake and their need for physical senses to be more acute than women's.


General physiological strength; Women live an average of 4 years longer than men. The more prosperous the nation, the longer women live, indicating that lifestyle isn't contributory to underlying lifetime health.


More painful than what?


---------- Post added 10-02-2018 at 15:13 ----------


The more prosperous the nation, the longer women live, indicating that lifestyle isn't contributory to underlying lifetime health.


Utter nonsense.

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