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Women are weaker than men

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I appreciate that you want to catch me out so to speak, but your question is equally meaningless since I specifically wrote "every women is told that childbirth is the most painful thing ever".


No-one ever told me that and I didn't find it exceptionally painful, but I had very short labours on both occasions and no pain relief (gas & air for example) so nothing to compare it to. I would not however, presume to know what pain other women have felt and find it odd that men can comment on something that they can never experience.

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A woman gives birth to children and it is common knowledge that a woman would tell you that it is the most painful thing you could experience, and as men you have no idea.. A man on the other hand would tell you being kicked between the legs is the most painful thing and women have no idea..


Now! I have given birth and yes it was excrutiating! i couldn't poo properly for nearly three months and dont even talk to me about the pain in my breasts during feeding!!!! I have also had a tooth abscess that burst whilst mid flight to Spain and i know which is worst by a long shot!! (the tooth abscess, in case you didnt guess correctly)


But as someone once said (i cant remember who) a woman gives birth, after a while the woman forgets the pain she went through and will go on to have more children and endure the pain all over again..


If you kick a man in his dingleberries, he doesnt want it to happen again does he... EVER!!!!!


Therefore, women are stronger than men.. Fact :P

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A man on the other hand would tell you being kicked between the legs is the most painful thing and women have no idea..


I'd take multiple kicks in my gentleman area over a visit to the dentist, any day of the week!


Having a filling, and the dentist drilling a tooth which hasn't been properly anaesthetised ... it's like having your central nervous system plugged in the national grid.

Edited by Waldo
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I'd take multiple kicks in my gentleman area over a visit to the dentist, any day of the week!


Having a filling, and the dentist drilling a tooth which hasn't been properly anaesthetised ... it's like having your central nervous system plugged in the nation grid.


Hahahaaa :hihi:


I'd have another 10 children rather than another tooth abscess!!


I once had root canal without anaesthetic, my nerve was already dead so didnt need it but the dentist didnt tell the dental nurse and she looked horrified when he started to use the little drill :hihi::hihi:


Oh, and some men pay for that repetitive kicking!! :o

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I appreciate that you want to catch me out so to speak, but your question is equally meaningless since I specifically wrote "every women is told that childbirth is the most painful thing ever".

I doubt that this assertion is true, and you certainly can't prove it.

The comparison you seek is answered by folklore, but since that's not very helpful and we seem to agree that the actual science is inconclusive do you have something to contribute that makes it more conclusive one way or the other?


Or do you just want to shout me down without offering the merest hint of a reason? I think we both know which is is H, but as ever you can prove me wrong.


He doesn't have to prove you wrong, you made an assertion, which you can't substantiate.


---------- Post added 12-02-2018 at 16:47 ----------


Title "Women are weaker than men"

It's stating the obvious but is it true?


And yet you claim


There's no ambiguity as you claimed


It's about as ambiguous as it could possibly be.


You make no reference to averages or groups, you make no specific reference to physical strength. (And I did specifically reference your opening post, which I've quoted above for reference).

In your opening post and title though you didn't clarify 'physically', nor did you specify that we were talking about groups or averages.


It's either deliberately ambiguous or you lack the capability to be precise.

You just don't like the fact that I've pointed it out.


I notice that you ignored a large part of my post though, presumably the bits you didn't think you could just dismiss with vague handwaving.



Your segue into pain and childbirth appears to be entirely without merit though, unless you have references that show some sort of objective measure of the level of pain involved.

I think I've read that women (as a group, and on average) have a slightly higher pain threshold than men.


Oh, and your assertion that lifestyle doesn't affect longevity is complete nonsense, as a cursory review of the literature and evidence would demonstrate. The logic you've used to link economic prosperity and longevity doesn't even slightly go to prove that lifestyle is irrelevant."

Edited by Cyclone
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People are all different.

Men and women, the young and old, children and adults, the healthy and ill, you and me.


However you want to split up groups, you'll find that they are different. This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.


Something I will agree with you on there, we are all different, it is also true that we can all have different opinions based on our different backgrounds and experiences, and that is something that some people struggle with on here, and in general it seems.

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