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Barnsley vs Sheffield town centre

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Barnsley Market has been voted the best Market in England despite undergoing a vast rebuilding program.

In the same square a brand new central library will be opened next spring .

Sheffield Moor Market should be re named the butchers emporia as that is all that it consists of this along with a café section that resembles a mad free for all that is used by the same punters who spend hours sat in the same seats supping the odd cup of tea and using the section as a Darby and Joan club.


.....by a online poll conducted by the Market Association Authority so in translation best INDOOR market as voted by those who choose to look on a market traders association website or those drummed up by lobbying by the market itself.


Hardly some national representation of opinion.


It didn't even make to win Britain's Favourite Market category..... that went to Shrewsbury.




---------- Post added 10-02-2018 at 20:27 ----------


The last time I had to visit Sheffield we drove round for half a hour trying to park, this was at 8 pm all the car parks were full finished up right down Fitzwilliam St, we were going to the city hall. In front of the city hall was a fairground ride and an ambulance crew attending an unconscious man laid on a concrete mushroom thing. After stepping over pools of sick we went to the Yorkshireman pub and into a 1970s time warp we bought two drinks, one a half of beer and an orange juice that cost £4.50 we had a good night at the city hall and then endured the journey to hell by try to get out of the city centre,next time we visit in December it will be by supertram.


Oh no. How on earth did you cope with putting up with parking (within the city centre boundary) and having to walk (for a whole 10 minutes) to get to the venue.


God sake. Moaning for moanings sake.


Think you need to stick with the little towns. Cities are clearly too much for you.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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.....by a online poll conducted by the Market Association Authority so in translation best INDOOR market as voted by those who choose to look on a market traders association website or those drummed up by lobbying by the market itself.


Hardly some national representation of opinion.


It didn't even make to win Britain's Favourite Market category..... that went to Shrewsbury.



Well I can always nip to Shrewsbury for my chickling bag, tripe and black dag.

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One example as to why many people don't bother posting on here anymore because a thread turns into pathetic bickering


I like the moor market I agree that it shouldn't have moved the market to the moor but I like how new and clean it is compared to the old one although I think the design & layout of the new one isn't great two floors would have been better.


I haven't been to Barnsley in years so I can't compare it although I am told by many it is nice and they prefer it to the Moor Market

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I too live close to Barnsley "home of the pound shop" town but could not disagree with you more. I would much rather stick to Sheffield with its range of brands, department stores and other attractions. There is bugger all in Barnsley I want to use with exception of the Bank and M&S.


I certainly dont find Sheffield being any of those things you list.


You calling Sheffield "Threadbare" - Are you serious? You must be walking around blind.


How many endless threads will there be on this forum putting down Sheffield. We have already had one today desprately attempting to link the behaviour of some football fans to the alleged decline of Sheffield's image.


Now this, trying to compare the piddling little building works in a small town to the major construction projects happening all over Sheffield city centre.


The Moor Market did not go against the wishes of "many locals" it was against the wishes of a handful of dilusional idiots who saw Castle Market as some wonderful thriving world which was going to remain forever popular.


Thank god the rest of the population saw it for what it was. A decaying, disgusting, ugly hangover of the 60s with a aging and decreasing footfall. Markets are not in the hayday any more. The modern day successful markets are the ones at premium level with high quality gourmet and specialist items that the Supermarkets dont offer.


They are no longer just buildings full of ye olde tat stalls selling exactly the same goods as 1001 supermarkets or discounters for higher prices and without the convenience of car parking and trolleys.


There are whole generations of people who have barely stepped foot in the likes of Barnsley Market and with the continuing surge in internet shopping they will become even more obsolete.


For all the critics Sheffield city IS moving. Finally after decades of everyone and their mother complaining about shopping being too spread out, Sheffield is getting what other large cities have done. A CENTRALISED retail core surrounded by leisure, residential and commerical on the outer areas. Replacement of the markets from a obsolete location at the wrong end of the city to its new location within the primary shopping precincts is just one phase of the huge scheme.


The rest of the development (admittedly behind schedule) is coming along.


Its rediculous to even attempt to compare some backwater like Barnsley to a major city like Sheffield let alone try and make it out to be somehow superior.


Yes, the Town is getting some redevelopment and that's great news for the area. But Sheffled City Centre already has a shiny new mixed use leisure and shopping development (it opened in April last year).


Yes, Barnsley is getting a new public square and market hall but Sheffield City Centre already has that too (it opened over four years ago).


Totally agree with you!


---------- Post added 10-02-2018 at 21:03 ----------


I love the Moor market. I hardly ever went to the Castle Market because it was dirty, smelly and in an unpleasant place to access. I go to the Moor often.”


The Moor Market is lovely and the Moor is on the up too. Smith and Tissington do fabulous fish and shellfish.


If you two misery guts could please stay in Barnsley, the rest of us can enjoy Sheffield.


Totally agree!

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The last time I had to visit Sheffield we drove round for half a hour trying to park, this was at 8 pm all the car parks were full finished up right down Fitzwilliam St, we were going to the city hall. In front of the city hall was a fairground ride and an ambulance crew attending an unconscious man laid on a concrete mushroom thing. After stepping over pools of sick we went to the Yorkshireman pub and into a 1970s time warp we bought two drinks, one a half of beer and an orange juice that cost £4.50 we had a good night at the city hall and then endured the journey to hell by try to get out of the city centre,next time we visit in December it will be by supertram.


Problem solved then? However I find it laughable you struggled to find a parking space at 8:00pm.


Are you suggesting £4.50 is expensive for those drinks? If so it sounds very cheap to me. You were in a CITY where things are more expensive than the back waters you speak so highly of. You know, rents and overheads are higher resulting in higher prices.


My guess is you've not really travelled much have you?

Edited by Unisol
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.....by a online poll conducted by the Market Association Authority so in translation best INDOOR market as voted by those who choose to look on a market traders association website or those drummed up by lobbying by the market itself.


Hardly some national representation of opinion.


It didn't even make to win Britain's Favourite Market category..... that went to Shrewsbury.




---------- Post added 10-02-2018 at 20:27 ----------



Oh no. How on earth did you cope with putting up with parking (within the city centre boundary) and having to walk (for a whole 10 minutes) to get to the venue.


God sake. Moaning for moanings sake.


Think you need to stick with the little towns. Cities are clearly too much for you.


Maybe they have difficulty walking for 10 mins.

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Not according to this from the same poster they dont.


Try visiting Barnsley ,completely different for example very large car park(£2-20)for two hours 10 minutes walk from market/town centre. Major redevelopment taking place to improve the town centre for the people not the council. Friendly shop assistants and never seen a traffic warden with his book out, a pleasure to shop there.


10 minutes walk from parking to destination seems fine in Barnsley but when it came to Sheffield they complain that they were stuck "...right down Fitzwilliam Street..." despite it still being in the city centre and being the same walking time to their destination.


As I said earlier. Moaning for moanings sake.

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Not according to this from the same poster they dont.




10 minutes walk from parking to destination seems fine in Barnsley but when it came to Sheffield they complain that they were stuck "...right down Fitzwilliam Street..." despite it still being in the city centre and being the same walking time to their destination.


As I said earlier. Moaning for moanings sake.


Walking from the bottom end of Fitzwilliam street to the city hall on a cold winters night took me and Mrs Choogling a lot longer the ten mins,if the car parking in Sheffield was on a par with Barnsley we would visit more, at night we only have one bus per hour were I live and a taxi is between 25/30 pounds.as for moaning for moaning sake why do you have to moan about my so called moaning.

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Walking from the bottom end of Fitzwilliam street to the city hall on a cold winters night took me and Mrs Choogling a lot longer the ten mins,if the car parking in Sheffield was on a par with Barnsley we would visit more, at night we only have one bus per hour were I live and a taxi is between 25/30 pounds.as for moaning for moaning sake why do you have to moan about my so called moaning.


Was there really no parking in the huge car parks on Arundel Gate?


The one by the Odeon is about five minutes stroll from the City Hall.


It always has spaces.

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