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Barnsley vs Sheffield town centre

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1 hour ago, choogling said:

Finally got back to Barnsley today but was disappointed to find apart from the deli the shops were shut in the new indoor market ,the Alambre was open  with most shops trading without queueing  .The progress in the last four months has been amazing all the work on the main area has been completed and it looks so modern ,almost downtown L.A. Bonus the busker was playing some Dylan .

Lower Athersley I assume...............................................

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1 hour ago, choogling said:

Finally got back to Barnsley today but was disappointed to find apart from the deli the shops were shut in the new indoor market ,the Alambre was open  with most shops trading without queueing  .The progress in the last four months has been amazing all the work on the main area has been completed and it looks so modern ,almost downtown L.A. Bonus the busker was playing some Dylan .

I have to say I am rather perplexed by your comparison with downtown LA of all places the choose.


Surely you can't be trying to positively demonstrate the comparison between renovation of an old office block and shopping complex in a small insignificant Northern town with a downtown cityscape notorious for a spiralling homeless population and huge tent city or the open public drug sales and needle use or the human waste on the streets or aggressive beggars....


It does look a bit more modern you're right.  When it's finished it will probably look quite good - a bit like the renovated Moor in Sheffield or Trinity Walk in Wakefield all the renovated Frenchgate in Doncaster.  I will think they are more accurate comparisons.

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9 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

I have to say I am rather perplexed by your comparison with downtown LA of all places the choose.


Surely you can't be trying to positively demonstrate the comparison between renovation of an old office block and shopping complex in a small insignificant Northern town with a downtown cityscape notorious for a spiralling homeless population and huge tent city or the open public drug sales and needle use or the human waste on the streets or aggressive beggars....


It does look a bit more modern you're right.  When it's finished it will probably look quite good - a bit like the renovated Moor in Sheffield or Trinity Walk in Wakefield all the renovated Frenchgate in Doncaster.  I will think they are more accurate comparisons.

Barnsley is becoming a theme Town , its centre is compacted into a  closely nit area , you can stroll around without getting bothered by a long walk as in Sheffield , it has a new library , a open and under cover market that actually feels like a market , and now the new additions inc bowling alley and cinema are nearly complete , it will be a serious contender for local foot fall as people get fed up with the  restrictions and hassle of Meadowhall and Sheffield town centre .

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12 hours ago, Parkside said:

Barnsley is becoming a theme Town , its centre is compacted into a  closely nit area , you can stroll around without getting bothered by a long walk as in Sheffield , it has a new library , a open and under cover market that actually feels like a market , and now the new additions inc bowling alley and cinema are nearly complete , it will be a serious contender for local foot fall as people get fed up with the  restrictions and hassle of Meadowhall and Sheffield town centre .

Very 1960's (or earlier).

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Guest busdriver1

Sadly for some the idea that Barnsley is becoming a place that is individual and pleasant to visit is clearly not going down well. 

The idea that it is a place with a local character and atmosphere seems to be sticking in the throat of some.

I travel extensively round the UK and always find it pleasant to visit a town that is not just another clone.

Well done to the Council there for being brave and not following the very sad trend that others have.

A market that feels like a market             Brilliant. 

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2 hours ago, busdriver1 said:

Sadly for some the idea that Barnsley is becoming a place that is individual and pleasant to visit is clearly not going down well. 

The idea that it is a place with a local character and atmosphere seems to be sticking in the throat of some.

I travel extensively round the UK and always find it pleasant to visit a town that is not just another clone.

Well done to the Council there for being brave and not following the very sad trend that others have.

A market that feels like a market             Brilliant. 

It is nothing to do with that.  I don't think anyone is dismissing the improvements or denying that they're not a good thing.


However what people are quite rightly challenging is the impression that some posters are trying to give, that the simple tarting up of an old shopping centre and shiny bit of new market space has somehow made Barnsley this fantastic, character filled, quaint,  individual,  superior and highly important place on the retail landscape.  


It isn't.  It is a pleasant small town which has had some good improvements to bring it up to standard with the sort of developments being undertaken in many other identical small towns.   That's it.   


No matter how much people try and raise these ridiculous comparisons the simple truth is that it is always going to be less prestigious than Sheffield because it is a small town with small income and small ideas which cannot be compared to the large city down the road.


As for the obsession over who's got the best market I just cannot get my head around it.   What is this thing that is somehow massively superior with better atmosphere to that of Sheffield market?     Both locations now have new modern market halls.  Both locations appear to have exactly the same mix of food retail, cafes and non-food cheap goods.  Both locations have their market halls surrounded by new and improved retail units which are slowly filling up. 


To me it's just another load of one-upmanship and ridiculous meaningless comparisons between locations.


I really don't care.  As long as areas are improving that is always going to be a good thing no matter where it is.


Why is there this constant demand for my dad is better than your dad. 

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15 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

It is nothing to do with that.  I don't think anyone is dismissing the improvements or denying that they're not a good thing.


However what people are quite rightly challenging is the impression that some posters are trying to give, that the simple tarting up of an old shopping centre and shiny bit of new market space has somehow made Barnsley this fantastic, character filled, quaint,  individual,  superior and highly important place on the retail landscape.  


It isn't.  It is a pleasant small town which has had some good improvements to bring it up to standard with the sort of developments being undertaken in many other identical small towns.   That's it.   


No matter how much people try and raise these ridiculous comparisons the simple truth is that it is always going to be less prestigious than Sheffield because it is a small town with small income and small ideas which cannot be compared to the large city down the road.


As for the obsession over who's got the best market I just cannot get my head around it.   What is this thing that is somehow massively superior with better atmosphere to that of Sheffield market?     Both locations now have new modern market halls.  Both locations appear to have exactly the same mix of food retail, cafes and non-food cheap goods.  Both locations have their market halls surrounded by new and improved retail units which are slowly filling up. 


To me it's just another load of one-upmanship and ridiculous meaningless comparisons between locations.


I really don't care.  As long as areas are improving that is always going to be a good thing no matter where it is.


Why is there this constant demand for my dad is better than your dad. 

You clearly have not experienced both Markets both indoor and out door . the out door one in Sheffield is a pretend one to conceal the fact the the Council has completely ruined the out door markets in our City .

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42 minutes ago, Parkside said:

You clearly have not experienced both Markets both indoor and out door . the out door one in Sheffield is a pretend one to conceal the fact the the Council has completely ruined the out door markets in our City .

Again.   This is not making sense.   What do you mean pretend one?   It is stalls outside on the Moor next to the main Indoor market.  That's what an outdoor market is.  What exactly are you expecting.  


If your complaint is really down to the fact that Sheffield doesn't have some purpose built covered area for the outdoor market with fixed stallls then quite frankly I think you need to get out more.  Does it really matter.  


Let's be quite honest, the days of these kinds of generic low quality low value markets are in decline anyway.  The way both market areas should be focusing is on lower number more selective stalls selling higher quality goods and more artisan products.  

Edited by ECCOnoob
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I think he's still bemoaning the loss of the wonderful Castle Market and all its characters, the retail and cultural jewel in the crown of our city. All the 'Proper Sheffielders' used to go there until the council ruined their fun.

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On 10/02/2018 at 15:16, choogling said:

Living in Stockbridge I find it easier and cheaper to shop in Barnsley, the town centre of Barnsley is undergoing a major refit at the moment the main market is being transformed along with most of the surrounding area .

Sheffield by comparison feels old-fashioned, threadbare and unwelcoming the recent moving of the market down the moor goes against the wishes of many locals, Barnsley has built a new small market along side the old one while redevelopment takes place.

Sheffield a city on the move ,yes downhill.

I would just like to remind all readers of my original post, it seems to have been hijacked ,basically all I said was I prefer Barnsley to Sheffield and still do .  

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