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Jeremy Paxman advocates people over 65 should not be able to vote

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Just for information.


I get the new State Pension of £159.55 per week which is the maximum.


Because that amount is my only income I have a HC1 exemption certificate for dental and optician charges and I don't pay for prescriptions.


I don't pay CT.

I don't pay rent as I am in council accommodation.

I have a buss pass for free travel on busses and trams.


On average my utility charges are:

Water charges £10 PW

Gas charges £10 PW

Electricity charges £10 PW

Broadband £7 PW

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Unless I've missed something, it's utter ****e. I quote from the article "In fact, most leave voters were in the south: the south-east, south-west – indeed the entire south apart from London voted leave."


Rubbish. Look at the map on the bottom. Is it all blue? No, it is not.




The BBC link does say that the south east and south west majority did vote leave looking at the charts.London was where the vast majority voted remain.Dont shoot the messenger,i was just posting what it said in the Guardian.The Guardian is usually the bible of truth on this forum.:hihi:

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Just for information.


I get the new State Pension of £159.55 per week which is the maximum.


Because that amount is my only income I have a HC1 exemption certificate for dental and optician charges and I don't pay for prescriptions.


I don't pay CT.

I don't pay rent as I am in council accommodation.

I have a buss pass for free travel on busses and trams.


On average my utility charges are:

Water charges £10 PW

Gas charges £10 PW

Electricity charges £10 PW

Broadband £7 PW


I missed out on the new pension by 3 months so I get £113 a week and nothing extra because have a small private pension.

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I missed out on the new pension by 3 months so I get £113 a week and nothing extra because have a small private pension.



Sorry to hear that. I knew what was happening with private pensions and the government years ago so cashed mine in when I had the chance.

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Sorry to hear that. I knew what was happening with private pensions and the government years ago so cashed mine in when I had the chance.


So much for Cameron's 'Nobody will be worse off....'


It's one of the things 50's born women are up in arms about.

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So much for Cameron's 'Nobody will be worse off....'


It's one of the things 50's born women are up in arms about.


Cut off points are tricky when altering things.


3 months means you are right on the verge of it. However, even if they had a 'sliding scale' instead of a set date - which these days on computers should be easily possible, people will just say they are being slimy by cutting things in a slimy way.


Can't win. (other than saying more money which the left use, and will never work). If you think you missed out by 3 months, I will perhaps just say I was 20 years out of favour, since my grandparent seemed to live reasonably well in the 80s.


It's quite similar to the (I think) quite popular view of 'adjusting' child benefits.


Should that be a sliding scale? Could it be done? If it was limited to 4 kids, what happens to the 5th kid born one day late on the 2th of April? Poverty? think of the children!


Be thankful you have £113 a week. There'll be nowt by the time most of us young ens are old! :hihi:

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Cut off points are tricky when altering things.


3 months means you are right on the verge of it. However, even if they had a 'sliding scale' instead of a set date - which these days on computers should be easily possible, people will just say they are being slimy by cutting things in a slimy way.


Can't win. (other than saying more money which the left use, and will never work). If you think you missed out by 3 months, I will perhaps just say I was 20 years out of favour, since my grandparent seemed to live reasonably well in the 80s.


It's quite similar to the (I think) quite popular view of 'adjusting' child benefits.


Should that be a sliding scale? Could it be done? If it was limited to 4 kids, what happens to the 5th kid born one day late on the 2th of April? Poverty? think of the children!


Be thankful you have £113 a week. There'll be nowt by the time most of us young ens are old! :hihi:



Oh, I am grateful for the £113 a week, even though it is the lowest in the developed world and I've been paying into the system since I was 16.


However, you young ens had better start fighting for what's rightfully yours rather than being defeatist and giving in to government propaganda. You are being ground down to accept the unacceptable.


We still live in a rich country. You will be paying taxes for the rest of your life, and working hard for it. More people means more people paying taxes. Your work will have added to the economy, and you will have made other contributions to the wellbeing of this country. You deserve a pension. It probably won't be enough, it never is, but it is something.


This country has gone through wars, depressions, austerity and tough times in the past and still managed to pay pensions. This government can always afford things when it wants to, (how much did it cost to bribe the Irish DUP? How much is it paying to the EU? How many billions is it paying to renovate the Palace of Westminster? How much is it costing to build HS2, a railway line that nobody wants) etc. Don't believe them when they say they can't afford it. Tories never can, unless it suits them.


The younger generation have forgotten how to fight for things. You're letting them erode every right and privilege that was ever won by the generations before you, and believe me, every one of them was the result of hard won struggles.


The governments could start by getting the taxes they're owed from the Corporations and the rich and famous and that alone would mean there'll be enough to go round.

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Oh, I am grateful for the £113 a week, even though it is the lowest in the developed world and I've been paying into the system since I was 16.


However, you young ens had better start fighting for what's rightfully yours rather than being defeatist and giving in to government propaganda. You are being ground down to accept the unacceptable.


We still live in a rich country. You will be paying taxes for the rest of your life, and working hard for it. More people means more people paying taxes. Your work will have added to the economy, and you will have made other contributions to the wellbeing of this country. You deserve a pension. It probably won't be enough, it never is, but it is something.


This country has gone through wars, depressions, austerity and tough times in the past and still managed to pay pensions. This government can always afford things when it wants to, (how much did it cost to bribe the Irish DUP? How much is it paying to the EU? How many billions is it paying to renovate the Palace of Westminster? How much is it costing to build HS2, a railway line that nobody wants) etc. Don't believe them when they say they can't afford it. Tories never can, unless it suits them.


The younger generation have forgotten how to fight for things. You're letting them erode every right and privilege that was ever won by the generations before you, and believe me, every one of them was the result of hard won struggles.


The governments could start by getting the taxes they're owed from the Corporations and the rich and famous and that alone would mean there'll be enough to go round.


They actually give self exiled tax dodgers knighthoods, like Tom Jones , Sean Connery etc. etc. etc, who don't pay a penny in UK tax revenues.

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