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Auschwitz-Birkenau survivors

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I am friends with a Polish person who grew up in the town of Oświęcim, next to the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, museum and memorial. They are no longer in Sheffield, but they explained to me how deeply the Poles take the responsibility of looking after the memory of the site and everything that happened there.

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I would have it on my to do list to visit, but and it's a great big BUT, I don't think I would be of the mind set that would enable me to go in there and come out without some kind of mental damage. Sleepless nights, not able to forget the horrors that occured there, that kind of thing. Uggg, it makes my flesh creep to imagine one human inflicting terrible deeds on totally innocent men, women and children for no reason whatever, other than praying to a different type of God.



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Lien . The camp is not in krakow it's a hour and a half drive away. I and my wife visited the camps in June last year whilst in krakow for the weekend. As for the question of not knowing how to feel or what to expect that will depend on your general character. I found it a deeply moving experience although I didn't go back to the hotel and sob.As this is a major tour attraction you expect diverse visitors with different views and outlooks. This I noted whilst outside the famous gates at the entrance to the camp people posing and smiling in front of their self ie sticks. I wonder if they felt as light hearted after the tour. If they did then they should have stayed in krakow and gone on a boat trip.

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