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Auschwitz-Birkenau survivors

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It is a place I feel I should go to one day, sort of out of respect & understanding. A previous poster has said that it has become a tourist destination, with people taking selfies outside the 'famous' gates. I find that wrong, its just not that kind of place surely?

Last year I read 'A Detail of History' by Arek Hersh. A very moving account of a little boy who survived the Holocaust. Worth reading.

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I like to think of myself as a big strong northern male,but the first time i watched Schindlers List i was disturbed for days and i started watching the programmes on discovery and it was just beyond comprehension that people could do that to one another.A video of children being led to the gas chambers sent a cold shiver up my back.Even more disturbing is the fact that things like this are still happening around the world today.Myanmar for one.

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Is it just right wing or just not learning from the past? Was it right wing in Bosnia.


It was genocide especially Sarajevo, I know a guy who was with the Canadian forces as a Peacekeeper, during the siege. They were not allowed to retaliate to the bombardment by the Serbs unless directly shot at. I also know a Serbian who was shelling the town lol.Yes they both worked at the same company. Of course, there was also Kosovo which caused NATO to bomb Belgrade.Milosevic was another Hitler, except he wanted to exterminate Muslims instead of Jews.


---------- Post added 18-02-2018 at 18:54 ----------


I like to think of myself as a big strong northern male,but the first time i watched Schindlers List i was disturbed for days and i started watching the programmes on discovery and it was just beyond comprehension that people could do that to one another.A video of children being led to the gas chambers sent a cold shiver up my back.Even more disturbing is the fact that things like this are still happening around the world today.Myanmar for one.


Have you seen the documentary I mentioned earlier in your thread?

Edited by Ontarian1981
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I looked for it when you mentioned it, its not on UK Netflix.


What a shame a lot of the footage is filmed by British soldiers on arriving at Belsen,also American and Russian soldiers at Birkenhau and Auschwitz. Some of those old soldiers were in their late 80s and they were having a hard time relating to what they saw, almost all breaking into tears at their interviews.

It is the most stomach turning documentary I have ever seen, but should not be missed by anyone. I must stress it is the documentary not the recent movie of the same title. There is alot of footage from the doc on YouTube

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