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Cat are a nuisance

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I know this is probably funny to most readers, but it's sending me mad.

I've spent a small fortune on my garden. What with decking, patio, grass not to mention all the young trees I've planted.


But each day I'm confronted before I go out to work and when I come home and every damn weekend of neighbours cats. Three different neighbours and 4 cats between them. My deck posts and handrails are ruined by constant scratching. So too are my young trees. My grass seems to be nothing but a litter tray for my neighbours pets.


Funny....? Yeah real funny trying to get splinters out of my young sons fingers and bare feet because he's wanted to walk on the deck or grab the handrail.


Seriously, enough is enough. These are not my pets, my gates are shut. Do I have any legal powers, or does the law say cats can do as they please?


After 5yrs getting my garden how I wanted, it's horrible that I should now just allow it to go to rack and ruin.


Fed up. Don't say buy a cat or dog. We want neither.

Just our own garden back.


I've recently considered moving. But the expense of which will force us to downsize....why the hell should I!!!

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It's a difficult situation and hard to solve.


Best I can suggest is to get a powerful water pistol. When a cat comes give it a blast, it doesn't harm the cat but the cat will remember eventually and find another place to scratch and defecate.


It will take time but does work in most cases.

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Join the club. We are in the same situation. Cat chit all over our garden and we have kids too, Cant do much about it. I have spoke to the owners and all i get well they cats, Yea your frickin cats not mine. Im considering a few ways to get rid. Not something i will say on here though. Queue the haters.

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Sorry to hear you're having a crap time of it, but when issue of anti social cats has been raised on here before, some have mentioned that cats hate the smell of citrus and geraniums, and certain other plants.

Aside from using scents that cats don't like, there are things like 'cat sensors' these emit noises at levels cats can hear , but humans can't:


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I have a motion sensor water spray repellent device that is very good.

I left it on when no one was home for a few months and also all night.

The cats eventually found places more to their liking and I hardly see them on my garden now.

The manufacturer is a company called contech.

Edited by Thorpist
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When you say 'can't,' you mean 'aren't.'


---------- Post added 04-06-2017 at 09:21 ----------


I would change the law to give them the same provision as pheasants. Legally speaking, I am entitled to shoot a pheasant on my own land. I'd never shoot a cat myself but if there was the possibility, the people who let them roam around murdering all the local frogs would maybe think twice about what was 'natural' for the Felix-filled-wildlife-disasters called Tiddles...

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