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Cat are a nuisance

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I'd like to know why there's a law for dog owners requiring them to clean up after their pets, yet cats can roam around freely messing anywhere they want. I've 5 cats belonging to neighbours that constantly mess on my garden day day out, why one law for cats and one for dogs?


We had the same problem with our neighbour, unfortunately 3 of the cats died, so the rest of the street had a meeting and it was suggested we draw lots once a week to see who goes in and plants one in their honour. :hihi:


Have you spoken to your niebhours? What have they suggested?

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I don't have either but the advantages of cats is that they are more self-sufficient, they don't have to be let in the house if there is a cat-flap, they are quiet, in fact if you are on holiday they don't need much looking after.


Dogs need taking for walks, they need washing as they sniff walls and such, they eat more, and some bark incessantly - they are more friendly though and probably better company.



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We had the same problem with our neighbour, unfortunately 3 of the cats died, so the rest of the street had a meeting and it was suggested we draw lots once a week to see who goes in and plants one in their honour. :hihi:


Have you spoken to your niebhours? What have they suggested?


Your little funny idea reminds me of an old workmate who was looking through his front window one day, when a neighbour's dog with owner in tow made a dump on his lawn. The neighbour and dog walked off merrily with no attempt to scoop the poop. Knowing where the neighbour lived, he grabbed a shovel, scooped up the dollop of dog muck and walked to the neighbour's house and rang the bell. When the guy answered the door, my friend said " Your doggy forgot something" and tossed the shovel full of dog poo into the hallway of his house.:D

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Your little funny idea reminds me of an old workmate who was looking through his front window one day, when a neighbour's dog with owner in tow made a dump on his lawn. The neighbour and dog walked off merrily with no attempt to scoop the poop. Knowing where the neighbour lived, he grabbed a shovel, scooped up the dollop of dog muck and walked to the neighbour's house and rang the bell. When the guy answered the door, my friend said " Your doggy forgot something" and tossed the shovel full of dog poo into the hallway of his house.:D


Coming from you, I must say that sounds like a shaggy dog story.

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. . .the advantages of cats is that they are more self-sufficient, they don't have to be let in the house if there is a cat-flap, they are quiet, in fact if you are on holiday they don't need much looking after





I've not seen any threads on here complaining about the neighbours' cat meowing all day and night.


And I've not seen any threads about cats killing people either. Apart from tigers and lions of course

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Leave some sharp smelling deterrents around your garden. Old orange or lemon peel or tea bags with a few drops of olbus oil on them.


On the subject of cats. Here about the 2 cats, one English, (named 1,2,3); one French, (named Un, Deux, Trois), that tried to cross a river. Which one drowned?


The English cat, 1,2,3 made it across. Unfortunately, Un, Deux, Trois, cat sank. (Quatre, cinq, get it?).

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I'd like to know why there's a law for dog owners requiring them to clean up after their pets, yet cats can roam around freely messing anywhere they want. I've 5 cats belonging to neighbours that constantly mess on my garden day day out, why one law for cats and one for dogs?


Bit of hard lines you are having. Cats have the right to roam. Other animals such as foxes, birds and rats will also mess up your garden. Thats the outdoors for you.

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Bit of hard lines you are having. Cats have the right to roam. Other animals such as foxes, birds and rats will also mess up your garden. Thats the outdoors for you.


good point.


Maybe the OP should concrete over their garden and use it to park their car on instead

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