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Cat are a nuisance

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I'd like to know why there's a law for dog owners requiring them to clean up after their pets, yet cats can roam around freely messing anywhere they want. I've 5 cats belonging to neighbours that constantly mess on my garden day day out, why one law for cats and one for dogs?


It may be that some breeds of dog can grow to the size of an adult human being and have poo commensurate to their size. It would be difficult to bring legislation relating to picking up poo over a certain weight so it's far easier to say all dog poo.


I wonder, does the master of the hunt carry around poo bags when the hounds are out roaming where they want?

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I don't have either but the advantages of cats is that they are more self-sufficient, they don't have to be let in the house if there is a cat-flap, they are quiet, in fact if you are on holiday they don't need much looking after.


Dogs need taking for walks, they need washing as they sniff walls and such, they eat more, and some bark incessantly - they are more friendly though and probably better company.




My cats aren't quiet. Some nights they run up and down sounding like a herd of elephants. Fortunately I live in a detached house.

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They're a real nuisance near us.


Mess everywhere, making ungodly noises at all times in the night whilst fighting or fornicating. The amount of 'things' I've had to clean up after them, and the amount I have to take off my lawn before I can use it in summer. It's very annoying, but apparently I'm not allowed to throw things at them, and they don't seem controllable.


No, wait, that's chavs not cats.

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I always thought cats burried their poo? Where I live they are leaving a mess on my concrete path its impossible to dodge this, the smell is terrible and sticks to my shoes:gag: My grass has poo everywhere, whats going on is this a new breed of lazy cat or is this normal?

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I always thought cats burried their poo? Where I live they are leaving a mess on my concrete path its impossible to dodge this, the smell is terrible and sticks to my shoes:gag: My grass has poo everywhere, whats going on is this a new breed of lazy cat or is this normal?


I have the same, my partner reckons it's someone letting their dog poop on our lawn (we have a raised garden with no fence), but I think its a cat. I cleared up several piles from the grass on the front and side of the house.

I know its not my dog or cats, whatever animal it belongs to clearly doesn't have a very good diet :gag:


---------- Post added 19-02-2018 at 12:33 ----------


you want to live where i do neigbour as as about 8 strays not including kittens he feeds 2/3 times everyday we have got to point now where we just shovel it all back on his garden


You should report them to the RSPCA, they do capture and neuter strays which would cut down on the number of kittens.

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  • 7 months later...

Neighbours cats frequently haunt my garden, leaving calling cards all over the place. But what really grips me is that the gits are forever trying to catch the birds in the garden.

My wife and myself love the birds, and do a great deal to make sure that they are well fed and watered, especially with winter looming. But the bloody cats are scaring the birds away.

Does anyone know of an effective way of detering the rotten moggies from infesting my garden, please?

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I like to watch cats run around and do daft things, have one myself, but he can't hunt anything bigger than a wasp thankfully!


A quick Google search gives some good ideas, look at this website - https://www.thespruce.com/cat-repellents-to-keep-cats-out-of-your-yard-2132573


Putting sharp natural things on the top of the dirt might stop them digging; and if you garden in seasons, lay some chicken wire down when you next dig over your garden.

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