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Everyone's salary should be viewable online

Public salary details  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. Public salary details

    • I would
    • I would not
    • Other people should but not me

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Ordinary people will be subjected to scrutiny, while the wealthy will always find ways of keeping theirs secret. The majority of their income will be squirreled away in offshore accounts - just like tax.


Some of the super rich are 'genuinely' international and do not stay in one country, this is how NON-DOM status came in. It needs reviewing.

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Not being a burglar, I would not know how they select their next target; but isn't it real assets like cars/TVs/jewellery that they are interested in?[


Id have thought cash would be even more desirable myself. However if you have two otherwise identical houses and one has a signifincantly higher income than another then which is going to be picked?


---------- Post added 13-02-2018 at 12:44 ----------


Ordinary people will be subjected to scrutiny, while the wealthy will always find ways of keeping theirs secret. The majority of their income will be squirreled away in offshore accounts - just like tax.


You dont squirrel tax away... thats the job of the Government!

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Here's an idea. Some people get ever so cross at people who earn lots of money so let's hear who's willing to share their own salary details.


It should be based on annual income, from all taxable sources, not just salary that is available for the public to view.


Then we could have a revolution.

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What's the point?


You'd see what John Smith at GSK earns but what would that info give you? You could be grumpy that he earns £1500 a day? That he earns more than you do?


I genuinely don't see any use to it. It's not like anything's going to happen as a result.

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What's the point?


You'd see what John Smith at GSK earns but what would that info give you? You could be grumpy that he earns £1500 a day? That he earns more than you do?


I genuinely don't see any use to it. It's not like anything's going to happen as a result.


Oh I dunno. Theres enough militant feeling round here that I suspect some people could end up with mobs outside there houses. Certainly you would find people being charged more in the pub or local shop than others if it got out.


Take the latest little wheeze by the BBC they just published a list of all the foreign owned houses in the country and intimated that they are somehow on the fiddle. Theres been abuse and missiles thrown at a house here cos it's foreign owned already.


The fact that the owner is German, and has bought the house whilst still in residency in Germany in preperation for his migration to the UK completely escaped these tools.


---------- Post added 13-02-2018 at 13:09 ----------


Very few have cash these days.


Nice avoidance.


The other point I raised not worth considering?

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This is a stupid poll every one a low salary will vote yes its common knowledge

any way as shop assistants / service workers / asda workers etc dont mind people knowing what they earn very little. All self employed will vote no you mind your own buisness as they work harder and not 9 till 5 :loopy: Its called comminision as lets get all the money in the country

together and share it out equal and when ive spent /wasted / my share we will do the same again

Edited by spider1
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This is a stupid poll every one a low salary will vote yes its common knowledge

any way as shop assistants / service workers / asda workers etc dont mind people knowing what they earn very little. All self employed will vote no you mind your own buisness as they work harder and not 9 till 5 :loopy: Its called comminision as lets get all the money in the country

together and share it out equal and when ive spent /wasted / my share we will do the same again



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