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''The war on men''

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The 'war on men' is a phrase I heard another poster use the other day. Do you agree with me that it's a nonsensical and foolish descriptor, given that men still rule the world - or do you think men are having a really hard time of things?

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:) It's a bit cheeky to claim a war on men while sitting in a nation where head of state, the PM and all of the main political parties have de facto women in charge, bar the two that imagine themselves to be the most progressive - Labour and the Lib Dems.


No, there is no war on men. There is a war on hard won ideas of equality which some people think should be preference for women. That's not the same as a war on men.


The fools are the people who try to make men and women the same, because that is, as you say, nonsensical.

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As far as i'm concerned, every one is equal(when it comes to the sexes).

I've never had an issue with equal pay,equal rights etc however it isn't about being equal anymore it's about ramming it down everyone's throat that someone somewhere isn't being treated the same - and its always about women.


Why can only women participate in Race for Life? That isn't equality. Where's the men only events organised by the same charity?

Why isn't it an issue that men can't attend WI ? Is there a male equivalent.


I used to hold the door for people,now if its a woman i don't. Wouldn't want to be accused of sexism. I don't give up my chair anymore to anyone except the elderly.

I used to smile or nod acknowledgement to people if you happened to catch their eye inadvertently,now if its a female i look away instantly, who wants to be accused of objectification.


My wife works in a predominantly female environment , and i mean 99.9% historically has been female in the role. They now have a male,who gets paid the same pay grade which is brilliant in all aspects. But he doesn't get a couple of days of a month fully paid with cramps or special treatment because he's pregnant or months of paid leave with his job saved for his return.

So no equality at all for him.

The frustrating thing is my grandchildren will be the generation that suffers.

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I think there's a war on equality and the erosion of what were traditional matters of etiquette.


I think a better word would be a 'war on traditional values'.


Despite the female of the species being the one more responsible for how their children develop and what type of person they grow into, its still the males fault.

Mothers seem to be wanting less responsibility for their children, despite being made for the role.

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As far as i'm concerned, every one is equal(when it comes to the sexes).

I've never had an issue with equal pay,equal rights etc however it isn't about being equal anymore it's about ramming it down everyone's throat that someone somewhere isn't being treated the same - and its always about women.


Why can only women participate in Race for Life? That isn't equality. Where's the men only events organised by the same charity?

Why isn't it an issue that men can't attend WI ? Is there a male equivalent.


I used to hold the door for people,now if its a woman i don't. Wouldn't want to be accused of sexism. I don't give up my chair anymore to anyone except the elderly.

I used to smile or nod acknowledgement to people if you happened to catch their eye inadvertently,now if its a female i look away instantly, who wants to be accused of objectification.


My wife works in a predominantly female environment , and i mean 99.9% historically has been female in the role. They now have a male,who gets paid the same pay grade which is brilliant in all aspects. But he doesn't get a couple of days of a month fully paid with cramps or special treatment because he's pregnant or months of paid leave with his job saved for his return.

So no equality at all for him.

The frustrating thing is my grandchildren will be the generation that suffers.



I'm female and I 100% agree with and understand every point you have made there. Some women go on and on and on about wanting equality, when in actual fact they want preferential treatment and that is so wrong!!

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