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''The war on men''

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Thanks willman, you have more patience than me. This would make an interesting separate topic to split off from this one if a mod passes by anytime soon.


Succinctly put, in London the areas with the highest "stop and search" type of crime are also the areas with the highest black population, and of course London has a much higher black population across the rest of the country.


The stats simply follow the raw facts. Regular black people will get caught up in the numbers with the criminals, which is exactly what H's report implies if it is read correctly, even the senior officer quote right at the end. There may well be a race profiling problem hidden in the stats, but not in the way presented to us so far.

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Yeah well mr know nowt, if I introduced you to my wife she could prove she had more balls than you and me put together, kitchen sink indeed ..... ageist plum :D

As for educated, really ?


I have to say there are so many women I have known in my lifetime who are strong , gritty, determined, passionate, humorous, who go about their lives without this precious snowflake attitude that has sucked in the likes of Cyclone, Halibut, melthebell types who post on here. My message to them is the average woman doesn't need your pathetic, emasculating, grovelling, patronising backslapping ..... the 'real women' are doing it for themselves and always have been.


Exactly as you say. Real women have been doing it for themselves for years by saying nowt and just doing it. I have always found that anyone who spends thier life whingeing and complaining are almost without exception losers.

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As far as i'm concerned, every one is equal(when it comes to the sexes).

I've never had an issue with equal pay,equal rights etc however it isn't about being equal anymore it's about ramming it down everyone's throat that someone somewhere isn't being treated the same - and its always about women.


Why can only women participate in Race for Life? That isn't equality. Where's the men only events organised by the same charity?

Why isn't it an issue that men can't attend WI ? Is there a male equivalent.


I used to hold the door for people,now if its a woman i don't. Wouldn't want to be accused of sexism. I don't give up my chair anymore to anyone except the elderly.

I used to smile or nod acknowledgement to people if you happened to catch their eye inadvertently,now if its a female i look away instantly, who wants to be accused of objectification.

My wife works in a predominantly female environment , and i mean 99.9% historically has been female in the role. They now have a male,who gets paid the same pay grade which is brilliant in all aspects. But he doesn't get a couple of days of a month fully paid with cramps or special treatment because he's pregnant or months of paid leave with his job saved for his return.

So no equality at all for him.

The frustrating thing is my grandchildren will be the generation that suffers.


Very very odd :|

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Exactly as you say. Real women have been doing it for themselves for years by saying nowt and just doing it. I have always found that anyone who spends thier life whingeing and complaining are almost without exception losers.


Are you implying that women who complain and make a noise are somehow less than real women?

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Yeah well mr know nowt, if I introduced you to my wife she could prove she had more balls than you and me put together, kitchen sink indeed ..... ageist plum :D

As for educated, really ?


I have to say there are so many women I have known in my lifetime who are strong , gritty, determined, passionate, humorous, who go about their lives without this precious snowflake attitude that has sucked in the likes of Cyclone, Halibut, melthebell types who post on here. My message to them is the average woman doesn't need your pathetic, emasculating, grovelling, patronising backslapping ..... the 'real women' are doing it for themselves and always have been.


I disagree with this.


Many women suffer grievously in silence - whether to do with being leered at, discriminated against, and much of the work that was once regarded as female (such as caring for others) is downgraded.

Speaking out about this, and organising against it is not snowflake. It's the opposite. It's not putting up with ****, being a martyr, or waiting until someone looks kindly & changes things for them.

Many average women have benefitted from campaigning by feminists and others. You criticise other men for 'pathetic, emasculating, grovelling, patronising backslapping' for siding with them. What is pathetic and patronising is someone who, in the face of a colossus of evidence out there, sneering and accusing them of having a snowflake attitude.

If you admire all these strong women for putting up with so much. You suffer their indignities in silence.

Edited by Mister M
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Many women suffer grievously in silence - whether to do with being leered at, discriminated against, and much of the work that was once regarded as female (such as caring for others) is downgraded.


Work is often graded on the education needed to do the job, caring for other is not recognised as a skill.

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Work is often graded on the education needed to do the job, caring for other is not recognised as a skill.


There are lots of facets to caring for people well. Also there are lots of examples of people in jobs, in the public sector, who are well remunerated staffed by people who don't have qualifications higher than a GCSE.

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