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Tom Daley and partner expecting!!

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she obviously said yes?


Who picked her ,did they line her up with a few others behind a two way mirror .

If she decides in later life that she wants to see HER kid will this upset the whole plan and effect the child .

You have to have the experience of having long lost or unknown siblings or even parents turning up at your door to know the consequences of actions taken by so called responsible adults many years before .

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Who picked her ,did they line her up with a few others behind a two way mirror .

If she decides in later life that she wants to see HER kid will this upset the whole plan and effect the child .

You have to have the experience of having long lost or unknown siblings or even parents turning up at your door to know the consequences of actions taken by so called responsible adults many years before .


There you go, a little Sunday evening reading



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Now THERE is a proper answer. Identity politics. Divide and rule. Poor old Tom and his bloke could be left alone to get on with things, but neo Marxist political agendas reign more highly than the life of the individual.


Make sure you check under the bed before turning in.


You never know who might be hiding there

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I'd say that there are other, much better indicators that somebody is a homophobe than this issue.


Agreed, but you can get an idea when you ask them to explain WHY they think it's wrong.

So far we've had unsubstantiated opinions of "it's better if there's a mother and father" and a lot of evasion.

Multiple posters have openly said that gay couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt either. And we all know that children in the care system are far worse off than children in a home environment, whether that be a single parent, mother/father, mother/mother or father/father. As soon as they make this statement it's clear that child welfare is not their real concern.

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Welfare of children is way down the list of reasons why this is suposedly a positive thing.


Subverting the concept of the nuclear family with same sex marriage/parenting is all part of undermining the very foundations upon which western style capitalist democracy is built on.


This may not be the agenda of everyone that's is happy for Tom Daley and his partner but it certainly is amongst the subversive academics in the fabian society, etc, and their counterparts in other western countries.


But aren't people subverting the traditional nuclear family without anyone's help anyway?

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Who picked her ,did they line her up with a few others behind a two way mirror .

If she decides in later life that she wants to see HER kid will this upset the whole plan and effect the child .

You have to have the experience of having long lost or unknown siblings or even parents turning up at your door to know the consequences of actions taken by so called responsible adults many years before .


Are you equally bothered that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have just had a child by surrogate?

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Agreed, but you can get an idea when you ask them to explain WHY they think it's wrong.

So far we've had unsubstantiated opinions of "it's better if there's a mother and father" and a lot of evasion.

Multiple posters have openly said that gay couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt either. And we all know that children in the care system are far worse off than children in a home environment, whether that be a single parent, mother/father, mother/mother or father/father. As soon as they make this statement it's clear that child welfare is not their real concern.


I wonder if the naysayers realise that nearly all children who need adoptive parents are the result of consenting adult heterosexual sex. Yes, the ideal parenting set up, a man and a woman. Yet this traditional method of producing children has some extremely sad outcomes, often ending within the care system or worse.

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I wonder if the naysayers realise that nearly all children who need adoptive parents are the result of consenting adult heterosexual sex. Yes, the ideal parenting set up, a man and a woman. Yet this traditional method of producing children has some extremely sad outcomes, often ending within the care system or worse.


So has gay adopted kids.

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