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Tom Daley and partner expecting!!

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Haha. I’m afraid that enlightened people are going nowhere.


You’re out of date matey. I’d say that Obelix is probably the most unlikely snowflake ever. It isn’t often that he and I end up on the same page, but this is one of those times.


Now, don’t you have a cave to clean?


---------- Post added 18-02-2018 at 17:53 ----------



Thanks for your in depth analysis.


Are you sure you are correct?


Oh come on - thats wimmins work there's no way he'd clean his own cave....


---------- Post added 19-02-2018 at 09:41 ----------


So has gay adopted kids.


They didn't used to be allowed, mind you they used to object to white children being adopted by black parents and vice versa at one point... Thankfully people have seen the light and this sort of nonsense doesnt go on any more.


I know of a couple of children raised with same sex couples as parents. A small sample sure, but they dont seem to have any issues with it and seems normal teenagers, even if they do grunt inchoherently and sulk at times.

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Has any one considered the mother in this farce , Has she been selected from a catalogue, tested for any inherent defects, has her height, weight ,hair color ,skin tone ,intelligence been assessed ,has she been advised that she will not have any further input into her child's future .

Will she sign her rights away because a pair of rich blokes want to play happy families.



Elton John and his wife/husband spring to mind, they did the same as Daley and his partner.



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I agree. Nobody chooses to be born let alone chooses to be brought up by two men rather than a normal man and woman relationship. These two men are selfish people.


I can understand same sex couples being given the custody of a child, if one of the couple is either the father or mother as a consequence of a past genuine normal heterosexual relationship, which has ended for whatever reasons. In my opinion same sex couples should not be allowed to adopt children or use surrogacy to obtain a child. A child should be brought up by a man and a woman.


I am going to bite. Children of gay parents are less likely to have a teenage pregnancy, less likely to commit suicide, less likely to be drug addicts, have higher grades than their heterosexual parent peers...need I go on? By all means feel free to 'dislike' the idea of gay parents based your own inadequacies and bigotry but to try to claim there is an issue with gay parents is utterly laughable and evidentially wrong.


---------- Post added 19-02-2018 at 10:19 ----------


Has any one considered the mother in this farce , Has she been selected from a catalogue, tested for any inherent defects, has her height, weight ,hair color ,skin tone ,intelligence been assessed ,has she been advised that she will not have any further input into her child's future .

Will she sign her rights away because a pair of rich blokes want to play happy families.


I know 2 women who are surrogates. They receive nothing apart from minimal expenses. They both have given birth to 2 children for different couples; one for 2 straight couples using their embryo as in both cases the mother couldn't carry a child but did produce eggs, and the other for 1 straight couple and a gay couple.


They did this purely to give the joy of parenthood for someone else. Of course they underwent tests you absolute tool. Of course they know they will have no further input into that child's life, that's the ENTIRE point of acting as an independent surrogate.


In fact, I myself acted as a surrogate if you look at the technical definition. I gave birth to a child that is not biologically mine. Get your head around that one.

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I am going to bite. Children of gay parents are less likely to have a teenage pregnancy, less likely to commit suicide, less likely to be drug addicts, have higher grades than their heterosexual parent peers...need I go on? By all means feel free to 'dislike' the idea of gay parents based your own inadequacies and bigotry but to try to claim there is an issue with gay parents is utterly laughable and evidentially wrong.


I'd be a little careful about biting down too hard on that claim.


The survey samples I've checked out thanks to Mr M's link are heavily skewed towards high earning and better educated parents who show those traits across society, not because of sexuality.


I'm not remotely convinced that same sex parents are better at parenting than opposite sex parents.

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I know of a couple of children raised with same sex couples as parents. A small sample sure, but they dont seem to have any issues with it and seems normal teenagers, even if they do grunt inchoherently and sulk at times.


Just to add balance to the discussion I have posted a link to an article titled


‘Quartet of Truth’: adult ‘kids’ of gay ‘parents’ speak out Issues like this were debated before their own Same Sex Marriage referendum




---------- Post added 19-02-2018 at 10:55 ----------


I am going to bite. Children of gay parents are less likely to have a teenage pregnancy, less likely to commit suicide, less likely to be drug addicts, have higher grades than their heterosexual parent peers...need I go on? By all means feel free to 'dislike' the idea of gay parents based your own inadequacies and bigotry but to try to claim there is an issue with gay parents is utterly laughable and evidentially wrong.


Your use of the words inadequacies and bigotry directed towards me show a lack of maturity on your part.

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Just to add balance to the discussion I have posted a link to an article titled


Your posting of a website run by religious fundamentalists is indicative of your general attitude. Your linkis in no way something that can be unbiased and relevant to the UK


A few words from one of thier promoters...


"We also oppose same-sex 'marriage' because it is a package deal that brings with it the entire radical rainbow agenda. Once homosexual relations are normalised in the central institution of society, that gives the LGBT lobby the big stick of anti-discrimination law to normalise homosexual behaviour in the school curriculum, and to silence conscientious dissenters. Think 'Safe Schools' and Archbishop Porteous. 'Marriage equality' is not ultimately about marriage; it is about sexual radicals getting the legal clout to push their values down society's throat."


They don't like people who are a bit different from themselves do they....




Your use of the words inadequacies and bigotry directed towards me show a lack of maturity on your part.


No - they show a maturity and willingness to call you out because you are acting in an inadequate and bigoted manner.


---------- Post added 19-02-2018 at 11:09 ----------


So we are all supposed to be brainwashed robots who only hold one opinion on this subject ?


Well , not everyone is going to accept the view rammed down our throats by the powers that be, and nor should they.


Everyone is entitled to hold their own views , some will tow the politically correct line, some wont .


And some will get called homophobic and some wont...:)

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