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Tom Daley and partner expecting!!

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More likely - but if you're attempting to suggest that gay parents = more gay children science says you're wrong.


I'm not disputing the validity of your quote as you have not provided any proof to back it up but consider this. If one of the parents who is "gay" provides an egg or sperm and it is part of that persons biological make up, that made them "gay" in the first place, wouldn't that suggest the child WOULD have a higher percentage of also being "gay" than a child where neither of the parents have that biological make up?

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I'm not disputing the validity of your quote as you have not provided any proof to back it up but consider this. If one of the parents who is "gay" provides an egg or sperm and it is part of that persons biological make up, that made them "gay" in the first place, wouldn't that suggest the child WOULD have a higher percentage of also being "gay" than a child where neither of the parents have that biological make up?


It was much easier in the old days, when people of the opposite sex got together and made babies, only afterwards telling people that they were gay/lesbian. How that works, I haven't a clue.

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Even if they did is that an issue? Straight people tend to bring up their kids with an expectation they will be straight, in fact so does society in general.


Is there an issue with people being gay? Because unless you want to argue that viewpoint then bringing your kids up to be gay cannot be an issue either...


Good question kate. I wouldn't say an "issue" but for people like myself and I suspect many others on here, who have been around a good few years, it was not something that was generally admitted to let alone promoted. I admit it's strange to get my head around the acceptability of being openly "gay" nowadays.

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No you aren't because I never said it was. I don't even have to check. Do keep up old boy. Less of the projection please. :)


Do YOU think people can be "taught to be gay"?


If you don't mind me attempting to answer your question.

Maybe "influenced" would be a better description, possibly by being in that kind of environment.

However this has got nothing to do with the OP really, it has turned into a "gay" parenthood and even the origins of being "gay" discussion.

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It is normal


Have to disagree with you there. Normal is the situation where a child would be born naturally to a women after sexual activity with a man. This is how it works for thousands of different animal species.

In the case of two homosexual or lesbian parents that scenario would never arise without 3rd party intervention.

But lets not forget my gripe here. i am NOT attacking same sex parents even though, as I said I am uncomfortable with it. My argument is with the wording of the news article. A man will not ever expect to have a baby, however it is likely his female partner will.


I think when you have to invoke the behaviour patterns of other animals then you’re not in the greatest place. Humans are capable of complex abstract thought which can be layered over raw behaviour impulses. Even is you look at other primates that are not capable of such high level thought then there is evidence of complex social arrangements and same sex sexual activity.

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I'm not disputing the validity of your quote as you have not provided any proof to back it up but consider this. If one of the parents who is "gay" provides an egg or sperm and it is part of that persons biological make up, that made them "gay" in the first place, wouldn't that suggest the child WOULD have a higher percentage of also being "gay" than a child where neither of the parents have that biological make up?

The evidence of a 'gay gene' is debatable but let's, for the sake of argument, assume there is one. Whether or not any offspring are more likely to be gay would depend on how the gene is inherited, how it expresses and whether or not there are any other factors which may influence the outcome.

Clearly the fact that heterosexual parents have gay offspring should tell you that it is not particularly straightforward. Then you also have to consider that sexuality is more of a spectrum than absolutes.

With that all said, why do you think it may matter if, in the scenario you presented, that the likelihood of having gay offspring is increased?

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I think when you have to invoke the behaviour patterns of other animals then you’re not in the greatest place. Humans are capable of complex abstract thought which can be layered over raw behaviour impulses. Even is you look at other primates that are not capable of such high level thought then there is evidence of complex social arrangements and same sex sexual activity.


I appreciate that you're only skimming the surface of your thought process (I hope) but what you seem to be saying is that evolutionary / neurological functions are essentially the same, while being totally different. I see a contradiction there.


We've not even touched on nature vs nurture which seems to be the heart of this thread.

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