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The evidence of a 'gay gene' is debatable but let's, for the sake of argument, assume there is one. Whether or not any offspring are more likely to be gay would depend on how the gene is inherited, how it expresses and whether or not there are any other factors which may influence the outcome.

Clearly the fact that heterosexual parents have gay offspring should tell you that it is not particularly straightforward. Then you also have to consider that sexuality is more of a spectrum than absolutes.

With that all said, why do you think it may matter if, in the scenario you presented, that the likelihood of having gay offspring is increased?


Sorry, not a direct answer to your question. Wouldn't most parents want their children to be heterosexual, including "gay" parents? I can't think of any advantages of wanting your children to be born "gay" with the potential challenges it would bring.

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I appreciate that you're only skimming the surface of your thought process (I hope) but what you seem to be saying is that evolutionary / neurological functions are essentially the same, while being totally different. I see a contradiction there.


We've not even touched on nature vs nurture which seems to be the heart of this thread.


There’s no contradiction. We have evolved to have raw impulses just like any other species. But unlike other species we are also capable of complex abstract thought which allows different human societies to develop different patterns of social organisation and behaviour, in ways that are not genetically programmed.

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There’s no contradiction. We have evolved to have raw impulses just like any other species. But unlike other species we are also capable of complex abstract thought which allows different human societies to develop different patterns of social organisation and behaviour, in ways that are not genetically programmed.


I've done a *little* bit of reading on this and I'm not so certain you're right there I1. I think you're a bit more programmed in your day to day life by evolution, genetics and nuture than you might want to believe. How much? Well there's the million dollar question.

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Sorry, not a direct answer to your question. Wouldn't most parents want their children to be heterosexual, including "gay" parents? I can't think of any advantages of wanting your children to be born "gay" with the potential challenges it would bring.

How about just wanting them to be happy with their sexuality, regardless of what it is?

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Good question kate. I wouldn't say an "issue" but for people like myself and I suspect many others on here, who have been around a good few years, it was not something that was generally admitted to let alone promoted. I admit it's strange to get my head around the acceptability of being openly "gay" nowadays.


That's a very honest reply. Thank you for that. I can understand how hard it could be to have societal 'norms' change seemingly so quickly. I think perhaps my generation and the next are more used to things changing rapidly and things becoming acceptable that weren't only a few years ago and vice versa so perhaps we can adjust more easily than older generations. That's not meant to read patronisingly or negatively.


---------- Post added 20-02-2018 at 13:02 ----------


Sorry, not a direct answer to your question. Wouldn't most parents want their children to be heterosexual, including "gay" parents? I can't think of any advantages of wanting your children to be born "gay" with the potential challenges it would bring.


Not really. I'd want my daughter to be happy with who she is. The only issue with being gay is when other people have the issue. If everyone just got over it then being gay wouldn't be any different to being straight. It's only an issue because people make it one.

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What positive are you blabbering on about. I've not made any claim to prove. You're losing it man, have a cup of tea!


You are intimating that those brought up with gay parents are more likley to be gay or less well adjusted mr unhappy or...


We are waiting for your proof.

Edited by Obelix
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I've done a *little* bit of reading on this and I'm not so certain you're right there I1. I think you're a bit more programmed in your day to day life by evolution, genetics and nuture than you might want to believe. How much? Well there's the million dollar question.


You’ve just accepted that I’m right. The question is how much of our behaviour is driven by our genetics, and how much is the result of behaviours driven by abstract thought and ideas.


It will vary between individuals, and between societies. Your only beef is by how much, but that scarcely matters. In our society here in the U.K. it is possible for couples like Tom and his husband to follow their chosen path to parenthood. There is general acceptance of a lot of the processes that make it possible for them. In a different society - say Russia - much more difficult to do the same thing. Little of that is to do with genetics.

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How about just wanting them to be happy with their sexuality, regardless of what it is?


That's fine if that's the hand life deals them. For the most part I wouldn't wish anyone to be unhappy (except for a few people who I wouldn't flinch if they got hit by a tram).

I imagine being "gay" brings extra challenges, and life can be difficult enough without that.

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That's fine if that's the hand life deals them. For the most part I wouldn't wish anyone to be unhappy (except for a few people who I wouldn't flinch if they got hit by a tram).

I imagine being "gay" brings extra challenges, and life can be difficult enough without that.


How do you think those 'extra challenges' can be reduced?

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