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Happy Christmas 1962 remembered

old tup

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In 1962 I was an innocent 19yr old handsome youth,I liked to think so if nobody else did,anyroad up Christmas week one afternoon I was passing the time chatting with dear old dad in our old cottage at the bottom of Liversey Street situated where the Sheffield College now stands!.Outside we heard a commotion,loud shrill female voices laughing and shouting,obviously under the influence of one or two drinkie poos,so outside we went to have a look!.There were 4 middle aged biddies 3 of them trying to hold up an older lady who was legless wobbling about like an MFI wardrobe!.I asked where they all lived all except the older lady lived nearby,she lived on Walkley Bank Road well in her state she had as much chance of climbing Mount Everest!.I was the proud owner of a Mini Van so I helped the inebriated ladies on board and set off to get them home,the first three there was no problem,it was the old girl she was all over the place!,I reached her house after stopping a few times to prop her up!.I knocked on the door which was opened by a bloke as big as Giant Haystacks the wrestler,"YES"says he","Ive brought your wife home she,s had too much to drink!"says I,"What have you got her like that for?"says he very annoyed!.I thought bloody hell this is not going well,thankfully after I explained he calmed down and thanked me,it took both of us to get her indoors safely,it turned out the women were office cleaners who had a little Christmas cheer the old girl wasn,t used to alcohol that's why she was in such a state!.Any way it all turned out right and a Merry Christmas was had by all!.:banana:

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