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Grey Skies, Nothing But Grey Skies..

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33 minutes ago, Padders said:

Nobody's complaining now.

We had rain all day Friday and since then temperatures 75 - 80 F with higher temperatures forecast for the next week. Grass seems to have grown 6 inches in 4 days! Couple of mornings mowing ahead.

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In January the UK recorded its lowest temperature since 1895 and 1982. The US had its coldest winter in 30 years.


Same all over the world.

"Large swathes of North America have been gripped by cold and heavy snowfall, causing loss of life, major traffic chaos and power outages for millions of people.

The prolonged freeze, which saw many new record cold maximum and minimum temperatures, was caused by an Arctic blast of air moving down from Canada all the way into Texas.


More than 100 million people over 1.6 million km² were under winter storm warnings, according to the US National Weather Service. Some 73% of the Continental USA was covered in snow as of midnight February 16, the greatest extent on record in the database, which dates back to 2003.


Some parts of Texas were colder than Alaska. According to news reports, Dallas reached a low of 4°F (-16°C) on February 15, the coldest temperature the city has seen since 1989. Temperatures near 60°F (15.6°C) are more typical this time of year. The temperature at Houston’s Intercontinental Airport was 17°F (-8°C).


A reported 4 million people in Texas were without power. Satellite data published by NASA showed the extent of the power outages as the state was plunged into darkness.

Storms and cold in Europe


The Russian Federation and Northern parts of Europe were hit by very cold weather in mid-February, alongside a series of Atlantic storms. Southern Europe and the Mediterranean saw major snowstorms, including in Spain. Greece was blanketed by snow in the week of 15 February and snow added to the humanitarian woes of populations in Syria and Yemen.


In Scandinavia, Latvia saw an average air temperature in winter 2020/2021 of -3,7 °C, the coldest since 2012/2013, and also with the thickest snow cover since then. In the first ten days of February the average air temperature in Latvia was -8.8 °C, which is 5.0 °C below the decade norm (1981-2010 norm). 


In Germany, in the week beginning 8 February, the temperature fell below -20°C at many observing stations, breaking monthly records, whilst even low-lying areas received heavy snow, according to the Deutsche Wetterdienst. Canals in the Netherlands froze over – an increasingly rare event". - WMO


Remember Global Warming?

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Meanwhile in Sheffield, It's been reported that there is an acute lack of Snowmen due to exceptionally warm winters.

I managed to build 1 this winter, and he disappeared the next day..

What a waste of a good Carrot.

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God rest Mr Snowman, I’m sure his carrot would have sustained some hungry being or composted the ground. Hoping the good weather forecast for the weekend will tan the 2 inch square of pale pink left by my analgesic patch #in pain but still vain

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