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29 minutes ago, butlers said:


Again, indeed!



58 minutes ago, altus said:

It shows an approximately 0.5 deg. C rise over that time. No matter how much you claim it doesn't, other people can look at the graph and see you are wrong.

It shows the "warming anomaly" clearly stated as such. It's actually 0.08 degrees, but your post referred to another earlier chart that showed an negative anomaly of -0.05 degrees.


The use of "anomaly", as published monthly by NOAA,  is to smooth out the chaotic data around the median observations, given the arbitrary date that the satellites were first launched.


If NOAA did not use the smoothing effect of anomaly, the the chart above would show that there was actually no warming over the period from 1980 to 2012 - 32 years. Lol


Also it would show an actual cooling from 1999 to the present.


So please, please, don't give any encouragement to the global ":cooling" cult!


I'm busy enough with you guys!



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50 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Again, indeed!



It shows the "warming anomaly" clearly stated as such. It's actually 0.08 degrees, but your post referred to another earlier chart that showed an negative anomaly of -0.05 degrees.


The use of "anomaly", as published monthly by NOAA,  is to smooth out the chaotic data around the median observations, given the arbitrary date that the satellites were first launched.


If NOAA did not use the smoothing effect of anomaly, the the chart above would show that there was actually no warming over the period from 1980 to 2012 - 32 years. Lol


Also it would show an actual cooling from 1999 to the present.


So please, please, don't give any encouragement to the global ":cooling" cult!


I'm busy enough with you guys!



From the page you got the latest version of the graph from:


The linear warming trend since January, 1979 remains at +0.14 C/decade (+0.12 C/decade over the global-averaged oceans, and +0.18 C/decade over global-averaged land).

+0.14 C/decade over the 4 decades shown on the graph = +0.56 C.


Just considering the figure for the most recent month is talking about the weather.

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6 hours ago, butlers said:

Death Valley just had a record overnight low of ,105f

Maybe that's why they named it Death Valley, back in 1850. Lol


But don't panic.  In 1913, the temperature of 134 °F (57 °C) recorded here hit an unsurpassed world record.


Here's NASA


"Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth", Study Finds


"From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25. 2016


"An international team of 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight countries led the effort, which involved using satellite data from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instruments to help determine the leaf area index, or amount of leaf cover, over the planet’s vegetated regions. The greening represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area to two times the continental United States."


See also:  "Death Valley Superblooms"

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The 134f from 1913 is disputed .

You posted the greening stuff before, what's that got to do with the globe getting warmer.

Last year was the joint hottest on record.


The 5 hottest years have all happened in the last decade.

Can't you see there is a trend.

Same way as you posted Texas had record cold ( for a week) this year, why is it that hot weather records are being broken twice as often as cool ones in the US.




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Just now, butlers said:

The  134 f is widely disregarded as non standard.

You posted the greening stuff before, what's that got to do with the globe getting warmer.

Last year was the joint hottest on record.


The 5 hottest years have all happened in the last decade.

Can't you see there is a trend.

Same way as you posted Texas had record cold ( for a week) this year, why is it that hot weather records are being broken twice as often as cool ones in the US.


Non Standard?  Perhaps you'll post a credible cite for that and I may agree with you.


Were the temperature records going back to 1890 (NASA) "non standard"?


What the global warming industry,  won't tell the sheeple is that their "records", are made by 100ths of a degree. The are reluctant to tell you what  the Earth's actual average temperature is, from year to year, but couch their findings in statistical comparisons, such as yours, above.




Last year was the joint hottest on record. The 5 hottest years have all happened in the last decade.



"The warmest six years have all been since 2015, with 2016, 2019 and ... Since the 1980s each decade has been warmer than the previous one. ... that next year will once again enter the series of the Earth's hottest years, ..."


Climate Central

"The warmest six years have all been since 2015, with 2016, 2019 and ... Since the 1980s each decade has been warmer than the previous one. ... that next year will once again enter the series of the Earth's hottest years, ..."


Climate Central

The global numbers are in, and 2019 was the 2nd warmest year on record—wrapping up the hottest decade ever recorded. The past five years have been the hottest five on record for the second year running.



Earth’s global average surface temperature in 2020 tied with 2016 as the warmest year on record, according to an analysis by NASA. Continuing the planet’s long-term warming trend, the year’s globally averaged temperature was 1.84 degrees Fahrenheit (1.02 degrees Celsius) warmer than the baseline 1951-1980 mean, according to scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York. 2020 edged out 2016 by a very small amount, within the margin of error of the analysis, making the years effectively tied for the warmest year on record. "The last seven years have been the warmest seven years on record, typifying the ongoing and dramatic warming trend,” said GISS Director Gavin Schmidt. “Whether one year is a record or not is not really that important – the important things are long-term trends. With these trends, and as the human impact on the climate increases, we have to expect that records will continue to be broken.”



It’s official: 2020 ranks as the second-hottest year on record for the planet, knocking 2019 down to third hottest, according to an analysis by NOAA scientists. The average land and ocean surface temperature across the globe in 2020 was 1.76 degrees F (0.98 of a degree C) above average — just 0.04 of a degree F (0.02 of a degree C) cooler than the 2016 record. The Northern Hemisphere saw its hottest year on record at 2.30 degrees F (1.28 degrees C) above the 20th-century average. 



According to new reports published Wednesday, the last five years—from 2014 to 2018—are the warmest years ever recorded in the 139 years that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has tracked global heat. And 2018 was the fourth hottest year ever recorded. Global air temperatures have warmed steadily over past decades, shifting up and down slightly from year to year depending on natural climate oscillations like El Niño, but following a consistent upward path. Land temperatures, they said, were more than two degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the 20th century average.


And on and on it goes!


Now, all the comparative statistical jargon aside,  nowhere, nowhere, do they publish the actual average Earth temperature, for each year, going back for each year of observations.


It's obvious that these hundredths of a degree increases, in a generally warming world, (we are after all in a natural interglacial era) will produce "records" in the future, but by exactly by how much?


Could it be that their reluctance to post the empirical temperatures, is due to the obvious likelyhood, that giving actual temperatures, will contradict the "catastrophic man made global warming" meme they are promoting?


It's like having a football game analysed, but nobody tells you the actual score Lol


Why? Lol


Can anyone point to a simple list of earth's average yearly temperatures, over the satellite era, 42 years, instead of contrived comparisons with this decade, this century, or this year.

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And for me it's like trying to talk sense to Jehovas Witnesses.




But it's not a temper tantrum, it's pointing out the scam (follow the money) of the global warming "conventional wisdom".




"These U.N. Climate Scientists Think They Can Halt Global Warming for $300 Billion. Here's How...."  Time Inc.


"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal Could Cost $93,000,000.00" - Bloomberg.com 

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41 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Now, all the comparative statistical jargon aside,  nowhere, nowhere, do they publish the actual average Earth temperature, for each year, going back for each year of observations.

You didn't actually look for it did you?



Could it be that their reluctance to post the empirical temperatures, is due to the obvious likelyhood, that giving actual temperatures, will contradict the "catastrophic man made global warming" meme they are promoting?

The Met Office explain why they normally use anomalies rather than absolute temperatures.


The anomaly method also helps to avoid biases. For example, if actual temperatures were used and information from an Arctic observation station was missing for that month, it would mean the global temperature record would seem warmer. Using anomalies means missing data such as this will not bias the temperature record.


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26 minutes ago, altus said:

Yes I did, but it involves reconstructing the data from different sources, and is discouraging to say the least.  If you could post a link to a site that has an updated year by year list of  actual Earth average temperatures, as measured by satellite, rather than the anomalies, I would be most grateful.


Speaking of anomalies, that was a cute bit of two step boogie you just engaged in, after I had to explain to you in a previous post why NOAA uses anomalies, instead of empirical data.




Anomalies are relational comparisons to averages of arbitrary timeframes, and show different results based on which time frame is used to determine the "average". They range from annual, decadal and century timeframes.


Edit of previous post.


"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal Could Cost $93,000,000,000,000.00" - Bloomberg.com 



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