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Mayfest 2006 - your reviews please :)


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I agree with most of the posters, it was very expensive, I have only one child and I went through £40 like it was going out of fashion, and all we did was go on 3 rides, play a game of Robot Wars, have a go on hook-a-duck, buy some food and that was it, the fairground rides cost £2 per person, so, at £4 a shot, way too expensive.

Also, I noticed that this year it was not as good as previous years, roll on Sheffield Show later this year.

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I agree that £5 is ridiculous for the event, especially as the rides and food are over-priced, but I did have a good day - I got to see Rooster, who I've seen several times live and are always brilliant and it's always cost more than £5 to see them. Also, it was good to see Matt Willis perform his new stuff, and it's always cost me a lot more to see him perform when he was in Busted. So in my opinion, it was well worth it to see (and meet) the performers - fair enough that the bands aren't everyone's cup of tea, but then again, rides aren't mine either...

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Never again...

It started bad and got worse.

There was a ticket office (garden shed) with signs directing to one side if you had the right money, the other if you needed change. When we got to the window we observed ONE guy inside serving both windows. No wonder there was a lengthy queue. Having been fleeced the next step was to get your tickets torn in half - unlike the overworked guy in the shed there were TWO ticket-rippers to perform that demanding task. And while I was there a family arrived asking for a pass out, the ticket-ripper directed them to the garden shed where it turns out the overworked guy had a third task - to apply a rubber stamp to their hands.

A testament to the management skills of our city council! And what reward do I get for my extortionate entry fee?

The opportunity to see a few stalls selling junk I don't want.

The speed camera team trying to make out they have a friendly face and trying to perpetuate the fantasy that their money grubbing activities actually have some relationship to road safety.

The chance to pay over the odds for beer, unwinnable fairground games and rides.

The chance to buy a worse greaseburger than MacDonalds for twice the price prepared in conditions that would shame a Moroccan public lavatory.

The art tent and the "beach" tent - well as there was no money to be made from these they were crap but at least they gave somewhere out of the rain to stand drinking the beer - no room in the Beer tent.

Of course for the few who were interested there was Radio Chav with some performers ranging from the little known newcomers to those whose careers are in decline and needing the airtime (not my opinion but that of someone who had heard of some of the performers).


I'd like to see the financial accounts for the event. Someone made a few quid from the entrance fees. Surely the fairground operators weren't paid, surely the security and what might laughably be called "organisation" wasn't worth 5 quid per visitor. Theme parks cost quite a bit more to get in but compare favourably when you convert their gate fee to an HOURLY rate - and the rides are free.

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name a theme park you can get into for a fiver? Yeah, there are none at standard prices unless an offer is on of that sort!


People are forgetting, if you didnt like the music on offer, you didnt have to go for that, as it was well publicised before hand who the artists were.


And for the size of the event, being way outta town - the artists were good, and didnt have to be there. Liberty X sang well, and are on their way back, after being away doing other things and more than likely being in the far east where euro pop is huge.


Matt willis is starting a new career as are clea starting again.


No1 selling artist sandi thom was there on monday, not bad for free really.


For what was there, peoples expectations are way out of proportion to the entrance fee, remember you were not paying for the fair, but all those people to be there such as ambulance, security.


What would you prefer, free entry and no security and a very easy target for an attack - or security and less chance?

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Theme parks cost quite a bit more to get in but compare favourably when you convert their gate fee to an HOURLY rate - and the rides are free.


They also charge extortionate rates on food, also entrance fees not cheap - and queues of up to an hour!

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