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ISIS terrorists should not be prosecuted in the UK

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I appreciate our politicians either want to either hang em or give them a cup of tea and a chat but it seems to me that prosecuting UK citizens for terrorism in Iraq, Syria, Sudan, etc isn't really the business of UK courts.


So how about extraditing them for prosecution and sentence in the country where they committed the crime?

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IT is though. The Terrorism Act says so. They are our citizens it's up to us to clean up the mess they leave on the world stage.


Of course if they get caught first in foreign climes, we have to wait for the other jurisdiction to have their say.


Acts are changed all the time. Not sure that it is our business to act as a judicial proxy and deny local justice in the country where they committed their crime. Seems a bit of a White Man's Burden to do so. Hints of empire. Latent racism. That sort of thing.

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I agree with the op, do not prosecute them here. Ship them off to the USA where if found guilty they will be punished, severely. The Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp is waiting.




And when you do something that the powers that be find inconvenient then the same for you...?

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