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Ambulance crew upset by note, note writer arrested

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This "note" story has been doing the rounds for a couple of months now. Either there are a lot of note writers, or theres just one note and viral fake news is going about...


Still it's completely stupid behaviour. I blame brexit myself...


What's Brexit got to do with anything? Save it for the other 4 threads..

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I think the note writer deserves getting arrested and charged for being abusive to the paramedics.

Emergency services need our respect for the job they do...


I agree, what kind of a plonker abuses the emergency services. I bet the letter writer would change their perspective if one of their loved ones required emergency help.



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Stupid, selfish woman!


Notice how she put van and not ambulance?! She probably couldnt spell it..


Or she was in a hurry, or she wasn't wearing her glasses/contact lenses, or she was drunk/high/half asleep and didn't notice it was an ambulance. I can't imagine anyone objecting to an ambulance, for pete's sake. It's not like it's going to be there all day.


I don't know about the UK, but in California people call fire/police/emergency services for the most absurd reasons. But, maybe someone legit needed help.


This petty woman doesn't have a deed to the street, and she needs to be thankful it wasn't her that needed an ambulance.


The ambulance crew (who are pretty petty themselves if they're the ones who called the cops over this) need to grow thicker hides or get out of that line of work. Dealing with the public means dealing with unreasonable idiots. The only thing worse than dealing with unreasonable idiots is dealing with them when they are ill or injured.

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