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Do you hoard or replace clothes?

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Obviously if you're a fashionista or vlogger or blogger you might feel the need to replace for the current seasons clothes.


But do you wear clothes until they fall off your back or do you replace them with the new colour even though the one you recently bought is only a month or two old?

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I wear clothes till they disappear in a puff of smoke, im the last person who would be fashion conscious lol

Although i do hoard t shirts, normally band name shirts, and the odd tv show etc (walking dead, star wars, game of thrones etc), still got my old punky ones too even tho they wont fit me anymore, some fell to bits tho lol

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I am an avid clothes shopper, I look forward to charity bags coming through the door so I can part with some - I have six wardrobes including two in the hall - in fact in some areas clothes on top of clothes.


I have more than a few handbags and jewellery also, I don't have a daughter so the lot will go to charity.

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When this forum used to have Meets in the evening at local pubs I bought a lot of clothes just suitable for evening wear but now The Meets have stopped these clothes aren’t suitable for daytime.


I remember those days was good seeing people interact on here after seeing each other in real life. Now to the OP Doesn't anybody use the fabric? Like from old clothes that ain't no good for charity so instead of throwing out could make pillows? or Barbie dresses if you have a little girl like me! If you have a good imagination I'm sure theirs lots to be thought of to make.


---------- Post added 19-02-2018 at 18:25 ----------


Also personally I wear clothes untill. 1)I get bored of them 2) they break (zips, rips). I don't wear only one set of clothes by the way lol I meant generally. For shoes I like to have nice new looking pairs but clothes I don't buy all the time latest trends etc I like to stick to "my style".

Edited by Tek-no-logic
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I generally wear things until they become unwearable. One of my favourite bits is a sweatshirt I got from an old girllfriend; it's probably getting on for twenty years old and it's full of holes, but I love it. Current oldest T shirt is quite a youngster at about 10 years of age.

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