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Why do we need a god?

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Arrogance lol. ;)


Like every other creature on this planet, when we are gone that's it. It is an arrogance to think that we are so special that there is something more for us when we are gone.


Ashes to ashes, dust to dust!


For God sake cheer up a bit. :hihi:

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The sooner people realise that man made gods not vise versa the better.Thankfully christianity is on the way out here,going the same as the greek gods etc.




"In the last 100 years, the number of Christians in the world has quadrupled from about 600 million in 1910 to more than 2 billion presently. Today, Christianity is the world's largest religious group. According to the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, in 2010, there were 2.18 billion Christians of all ages living in the world.


Worldwide Number of Christians

Five years later, in 2015, Christians still comprise the largest religious group in the world (with 2.3 billion adherents), representing nearly a third (31%) of the total global population.



US adherents - 247 million in 2010

UK adherents - 45 million in 2010"

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'Between 2001 and 2011 there has been a decrease in people who identify as Christian (from 71.7 per cent to 59.3 per cent) and an increase in those reporting no religion (from 14.8 per cent to 25.1 per cent). There were increases in the other main religious group categories, with the number of Muslims increasing the most (from 3.0 per cent to 4.8 per cent).'

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Does someone who believes in god automatically believe in satan/lucifer/the anti christ, or whichever of the plethora of names this enigma is known as to them?


I’m hedging my bets, because if it’s all true then I’ve got friends in both places.


Yes, you basically can't have one without the other. Satan/Lucifer/Anti-Christ is just as much of an entity as God

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Does someone who believes in god automatically believe in satan/lucifer/the anti christ, or whichever of the plethora of names this enigma is known as to them?


I’m hedging my bets, because if it’s all true then I’ve got friends in both places.


Not in my experience.

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