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Oceana Sheffield - Sheffield's new super club?

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Hey when do we get to object the proposals or whom do we have to contact at the council anyone know


If the application is in and is valid then you can object any time you like up until the decision is made/it goes before the development committee. But the planning authority can make a decision 21 days after the initial consultation letters have gone to immediate neighbours or other interested parties as identified by the planning authority.


In short, you can object now.

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Sheffield needs rubbish night clubs like kingdom and oceana. They serve a very useful purpose in our city. That is, they provide some where for all the dull townies to go and grope, throw up and fight. Just think what would happen if these clubs didn't exist. Those people would have to go to decent clubs and ruin the nights out of all the nice people. No thank you.

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I've seen the Oceana website, and from this, you can be sure that if a place looks decent, Sheffielders will think its crap. For a city, Sheffield must have the worst bars in the country, and if the bars are anything to go by, it probably speaks volumes for the nightclubs as well. We see a lot of posters saying "Sheffield must keep its unique character", but the Sheffield definition of "unique character" seems to be "same old, same old mediocrity", and a 1950s mindset to match, which needs sandblasting away and dragging kicking and screaming into 2006. No wonder Leeds, Nottingham and Manchester are light years ahead of flat cap-mentality Sheffield on virtually every front. Folks in those cities appreciate classy bars, unlike their classy-bar-hating Sheffield cousins who prefer the sick-on-carpet tat. They obviously like going to them, because bars like Tiger Tiger in Leeds do a roaring trade.

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Why on earth is Sheffield planning another franchaised club?! Nobody goes to clubs anymore and rather stay in bars with dancefloors. The nightclub industry is dying out purely cos of the late licensing and people not wanting to pay to get into clubs.

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I've seen the Oceana website, and from this, you can be sure that if a place looks decent, Sheffielders will think its crap. For a city, Sheffield must have the worst bars in the country, and if the bars are anything to go by, it probably speaks volumes for the nightclubs as well. We see a lot of posters saying "Sheffield must keep its unique character", but the Sheffield definition of "unique character" seems to be "same old, same old mediocrity", and a 1950s mindset to match, which needs sandblasting away and dragging kicking and screaming into 2006. No wonder Leeds, Nottingham and Manchester are light years ahead of flat cap-mentality Sheffield on virtually every front. Folks in those cities appreciate classy bars, unlike their classy-bar-hating Sheffield cousins who prefer the sick-on-carpet tat. They obviously like going to them, because bars like Tiger Tiger in Leeds do a roaring trade.


Totally agree. I am sick of negaative attitudes from people on this forum a bit of investment comes to the city and raises it's national appeal then people turn round and say i don't want this crap. It's a club for god sakes, no club culture is not declining you only have to go in Gatecrasher on a friday saturday or monday to find that you can't move nethermibnd get to the bar. Sheffield is crying out for some choices in Clubs/bars and it's about time companies saw the potential we have. It riles me that people would want to see the bottom floors of Redvers house derelict and untouched because it is inevitable that Currys will move out.

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i dont see why every1 has got somthing about chavs having a good time. First every1 used to rip it out of niche, and now kingdom, and soon it will be back to niche at limit, just leave it, all people are different, and if getting rattered on a fri night and then going for a kabab n a fight sat mornig in your thing, then let it be. what ever flotes your boat init???

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Sheffield needs rubbish night clubs like kingdom and oceana. They serve a very useful purpose in our city. That is, they provide some where for all the dull townies to go and grope, throw up and fight. Just think what would happen if these clubs didn't exist. Those people would have to go to decent clubs and ruin the nights out of all the nice people. No thank you.



Agreed. The only problem would be that oceana would merge the Kingdom, Banus and Flares crowd into one thronging mass contained in one cheesy 'club'. Probably at the expense of the present crap clubs ability to exist. Fine for a while, but once a few of the BenShermans start getting banned from the place they'll need somewhere else to go. I'd say 2 dedicated cheese clubs and 2 chav clubs should ensure the rest of the city can enjoy some grief-free weekends :):thumbsup:

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