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Oceana Sheffield - Sheffield's new super club?

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What does that have to do with anything they do well in business because people go and spned money in their pubs and clubs no body forces them to do that!!!


Just pointing out that not all organizations that are successful are necessarily right. Or good. 'Tis a joke.


I just think that the investment is good for Sheffield and it shows the other big companies can come here. If one company comes you never know more might follow.


Yeah, there's this new concept though, whereby bars and clubs are owned by people, for people. They've managed to circumvent the institution of corporation. Wacky, I know. Let's hope that doesn't happen though, cos we need LOADS more companies running stuff. :rolleyes:

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Luminar are probably big enough these days to buy the building and the entire contents (stock and staff) from currys in one go without their bank manager batting an eye lid.


How did they get so big? Lowest common deniminator - get as many people in as possible, while removing as much cash from their pockets as possible.

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Good question, i don't know who has said it either. Luminar are proposing a night club there. I don't know the ins and out of planning so i don't know what the rules are about applying for planning permission on buildings already occupied.


*Raises hand ernestly*


I know I know!


You can apply for planning permission on any piece of land or building regardless of ownership/whether its occupied. All you have to do is serve notice on the land owner (i.e. let them know you're doing it) and bob's yer uncle you can put in an application.


I thank you...




Your friendly planner.

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Luminar haven't yet got themselves into Sheffield, but they do have Liquid just over the otherside of the M1 in Rotherham.


If you're after big clubs, the two main ones are Kingdom and Gatecrasher, both of which are chav heaven at the weekend. Search for other posts on here if you want to know more! (It's not pretty tho!) They also have entry policies to stop unsuitables getting in.


After that, there are lots and lots of small to medium sized venues, giving Sheffield a much more varied nightlife. One which I think most people on here don't want to loose to a single stupidly massive club. Personally I'd rather see loads and loads of late bars open in the city up to the same capacity than one of the big gun operators coming along going "Looks like we can get 2,500 in there, how much do you want for the building mr Curry's?".


One final tip, I wouldn't mention Niche clubs! We already have one and that causes enough trouble!

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i have been to the leeds one, it took ages to get in and took ages to get an overpriced beer and it took ages to get into any of the rooms, and it took ages to replace the beer that was nicked, and then it took ages to get the thousands of drunk sweaty folk out of it. i thought it was dangerous myself and thoroughly hated the whole experience.


apart from havin a dance on the lit up dance floor and standing next to a lass wearing the same frock as me from H'n'Ms and knowing how cheap it was!

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Hey guys I also work for Luminar leisure and have done for about 3 years now, this is one of the biggest companies on the club scene and I must say it’s the best. I have work for other big companies such as Nexum (escapade / Zanzibar) and brook leisure (Livingstone / embrace) but some how Luminar has always been top dog. I have a girlfriend who works at embrace nightclub in Sheffield at the moment and the rumour there is that the company is absolutely ****ting its self at the thought of another super club opening. All I want to point out is that its not Nottingham or any other city this is Sheffield so before you people rant:rant: bad things about it, when its built go check it out, if you don’t like it go somewhere else:) thanks Sam

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