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Should Corbyn ignore the smears against him?

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Corbyn never met the IRA.


However William Whitelaw and other senior government officials did meet them in 1972. Are you saying that the Conservative Secretary of State was giving the IRA political legitimacy and therefore support?


Are you going to bang on about a Govt meeting the IRA again..?


Oh wait you are yes - you think you can conflate the two again by creating a strawman.


Corbyn is a lefty communist in disguise. He does support the IRA - hell he even saluted the little sods that happened to get themselfs killed. Two weeks after the Brighton boming he had two people convicted of IRA activites in the Commons at his invite. Oh and lets not forget him obstructing the police and being arrested outside the Old Bailey for demonstrating at a pro IRA rally to show solidarity with the Brighton bomber Mr Magee when he was on trial...


Of course he met members of the IRA. He wont comdemn them in the slightest - you ask him and you get wishy washy oh I condemn all violence but he wont say he stands against them.


Meeting and giving information to the Czechs? Eminently possible. Did it happen? Well theres no evidence yet. Therefore I'll choose to beleive that he didn't pass any information over.

Edited by Obelix
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"smears" ???


Last time I checked there are still various reports coming out. Lots of paperwork not being disclosed. Lots of questions remaining unanswered with Saint Jeremy very evasive about answering them. Lots of petty squbbling and finger pointing at the media without matter at hand being addressed. Lots of new discoveries still flying around even from sources outside of our own remit.


Yes, Corbyn has quite rightly consulted the lawyers and yes the tweets have disappeared but I dont think the work is over yet.


Are we yet in a position to universally dismiss the allegations as so called smears?


I'm certainly not. I want more facts and I want the so called future leader of this country to man up and actually answer some questions.


Because your confirmation bias leads to to desperately cling to anything that will prove the story for you, no matter how ridiculous.....


You desperately want him to be a spy and now that the idea has been planted nothing will persuade you he isn’t.


Your post is a perfect example of how fake news works.

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Just as a point of interest has Corbyn been in any meetings with the Palestinian terrorists .


You mean his friends in Hamas and Hisbollah?


They not terrorists they are freedom fighters brother! Just like the People's Front of, the Judean Peoples Front!

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Are you going to bang on about a Govt meeting the IRA again..?


Oh wait you are yes - you think you can conflate the two again by creating a strawman.


Corbyn is a lefty communist in disguise. He does support the IRA - hell he even saluted the little sods that happened to get themselfs killed. Two weeks after the Brighton boming he had two people convicted of IRA activites in the Commons at his invite.


Of course he met members of the IRA. He wont comdemn them in the slightest - you ask him and you get wishy washy oh I condemn all violence but he wont say he stands against them.


Meeting and giving information to the Czechs? Eminently possible. Did it happen? Well theres no evidence yet. Therefore I'll choose to beleive that he didn't pass any information over.


The prime minister at the time was also giving a convicted IRA terrorist a pardon.



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Someone else not understanding the difference between the elected govt of the day and a jumped up little commie twit from the backbenches.


So you don't mind governments giving pardons to convicted terrorists but you get extremely annoyed when a backbench MP wants to talk to them?

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So Corbyn has met someone who may or may not have been in the IRA?


I have met people who may or may not have been in the IRA. Andrew Neil has met people who may or may not have been in the IRA. Every US president from Reagan to Obama has met people who may or may not have been in the IRA. Teresa May has met people who may or may not have been in the IRA. The pope has met people who may or may not have been in the IRA. In fact the Queen has actually met someone who very definitely was in the IRA.


Are you seriously claiming that all these people support the IRA?

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